Book Group Alumni Page
Book club members move or leave for various reasons, but they remain well-read and opinionated even without us.  Occasionally they let us know how they're doing.  Book Group alumni are welcome to email their comments to the web goddess for posting.  She reserves the right to edit freely and to delete names to protect the privacy of all.
Is there an alumni chat room?
Excellent Web site! More pictures! More stuff! It was very nostalgic to go back over those old reading lists--I remember them all. Here's my memory of how it began (and you should post any or all of this, along with that of all the members from the early 80s! I know we'd all enjoy it):
"...We went to lunch a few times and always ended up talking about books we'd been reading, recommending books to one another, loaning and borrowing books.  It was clear we were all "worms" of the first order...We decided we would read books by and about women. We decided everyone could invite a couple other women to get in on it.
I've been in three other book groups since then--and none have come even close--not within a thousand million miles--to meaning as much to me as this book group still does. I luvs you guys and am so very glad you're still going strong and wild."
Do you have a comment or memory to add?  Email the web goddess here.
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