My Poetry
Just so you know before you dig in, this is really just a show case for my poetry(and if you're reading this, you must like me *wink*). If you want to send me comments, ok, that's fine and dandy, but I warn you: NO HATE LETTERS. You know who you bloody well are, and I don't want to hear from you. Although, the battle of wits would be fun...if you had them...

I want to know what you think about the poem(s)/artwork, not me. Well, if you have something nice to say, that would be nice to hear...I guess, if you really want to tell me what you think of me, that might be interesting...ok, here's the truth, if you have dirt on me, I want to know. I'm nosey. I know it. I'm proud. I want to know all the dirty little things you think you know. Then I can laugh...

Moving along...

Any suggestions are welcome. Just don't tell me in person. You want to be out of throwing range...jk...well, get on with it. I feel like I'm rambling.


Christine Reeder
To reach me, e-mail me at: [email protected]
Thank you!
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