Laughing Horse Books

We're glad you're here. Here are answers to some frequently asked quesions about us.

Who are you?

This bookstore is run by a collective of volunteers. Membership varies in number between 8 an 12 people. We meet regularly, and make our decisions by consensus.

How did this place get started?

Five of us started the collective in 1985, and until 1992 we were located on 23rd Avenue in Northwest Portland. On January 1, 1993, we moved to our current location.

What is this place about?

We seek to serve individuals and groups involved with peace, social justice and environmental issues. We achieve this in a number of ways:

We provide books, periodicals, pamphlets and other resources on politics and social change -- especially titles that may not be available elsewhere.

We host classes and meetings, including readings by authors and political presentations.

We act as a resource center for a wide variety of people and seek to facilitate networking among individuals and social change organizations.

We have book tables at many events to provide greater access to our materials.

How can I be involved?

Spread the word about this community resource. It is a labor of love.

Attend events and classes.

Become a member, volunteer or a sustainer by giving of your time or financial support.

How did you get the name?

Zoe, the daughter of founding member Alon Raab, suggested it. We all liked it.

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