Throwing effectively is an acquired skill. It is learned through practice. Girls as well as boys can be taught to not "throw like a girl". This term is used in describing someone who is unversed in proper balance and technique. Once learned, it is a natural-feeling motion, and can be used very quickly;  even on the run.
    The "Grenade Lob", as taught to WWII era combat troops. Correct for imparting height as well as distance; both essential when throwing an explosive.
The highly evolved "Irish/Palestinian Grenade Throw". Wherein the grenade is tied to a rock, or if handy, a bottle, which is then thrown.
At left, we see an alternate method of grenade delivery. Useful when one lacks knowledge of throwing technique.
At right, is the little-known "Christmas Island"throwing technique. Usually practiced by individuals who have no idea what they are talking about and just type on their computers instead. They have never thrown anything in their life, yet can comment on the subject all day. Notice how the posterior is firmly planted in the chair.
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