My Shooting Bag, Powder Horn, and Hatchet with Sling. The bag is double compartmented, and gusseted. The scalloped welt and "tailed" flap are common examples of subtly easy to make, but attractive nonetheless, ornamentation. The horn is cow and scrimshawed, or carved with phrases and characters that are special to the individual owner (technically, scrimshaw only can denote the carving of whalebone, but the term is accepted for the use of any bone or horn). The hatchet is lightweight and useful for various "smashing" jobs, as well as hacking.
       My Belt and it's contents;(clockwise from left) A practical pouch for carrying any number of smaller items. The heavy-duty Belt itself. A hand-forged Knife, and it's sheath, used for smaller chores and eating. A larger hand-forged Knife, and it's sheath, sometimes known as a "gauche", meaning "left" in French (The reasoning behind this appelation is the fact that the single-shot pistol was held and shot from the right-hand and the left was full of the back-up weapon). The Belt Pistol, and it's simple holster. And, finally, at the bottom center, my Flint-and-Steel Firekit. It consists of a small leather pouch with a buckled strap on the back to fascilitate removal for use without having to remove the entire belt. The steel is incorporated into the bottom edge of the pouch and allows the pouch itself to serve as the "handle".
       Here's just a lil teeninetsy Pistol I keep in one of the pockets of my Vest.
       Yes, I made all this stuff. I hope you have enjoyed my brief presentation. There is a whole bunch more gear involved. Saddles, Bags, Packs for carrying gear on your back, Bedrolls, Tarps and Tentage, the list is endless. Enough for now...
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