LaughingBard Studios
Art by Jason D. Alexander
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The Clay Doll.  pg 1
The Clay Doll.  pg 2
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  Once there was a talented sculptor who retreated to the hills where he could spend his time crafting beautiful clay figurines.  The clay dolls were his treasures.  He cared for them, put love into each detail and his love for them made them alive.  But this is a story about the clay figurines, not the sculptor.  It is the story of one figurine, to be precise.  It was a special clay doll that the craftsman gave his attention to, placing it in different poses and creating adventures for the doll.
     The sculptor would mold the doll into a soldier, ready for battle; or a diver  flying high off the high dive; a farmer tilling the ground behind his oxen.  But the clay figurine had a favorite pose: riding on the back of an eagle the sculptor had made.  There , sitting between the eagle's wings, he imagined he was soaring through the clouds.
Story by Pastor Eric Robinson
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