A wittle bit abowt meeee!!!
Hi im Ashlee, and welcome to my wold.. this page is just a little bit to tell you about the creater of this web site.. ME! Were do i start? well my name is Ashlee, im 16 years old, I live in Perth (Ausralia), Im in year 11, attend C.B.C ( and i hate it soooo much!!).. lead a normal teenage life.. (i hope)  There is nothing interesting about me realy... Im curently in the nursing programe so iv i get 4 b's in my report  im in2 uni without having 2 sit TEE at the end ov next yr and i spose dats my biggest achivement.(gr8 you say... gonna have some retarted kid looking after me in 5 yrs time!! wot an age we live in!!)  What can i say i have a very few friends... and the ones that i have dun understand me very well... but i s'pose all teenagers feel no-one understands them.. Well on this web site im just gonna have pix, poems, nicknames and just the normal crap .. i will try 2 update it wen eva i can.... but i cant promise anyfin.. even though im starting 2 think no1 will even look at my site... but u never know.. some lonley person may read this one day

E-mail me ~
[email protected]
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