Dear Friends,

Many of you have said you expect someday I will return to Latvia and I look forward to that happening at some time in the future, God willing but, for now I keep in touch with my lovely overseas family by phone and e-mail.

This morning I called and talked for forty five minutes with Mrs. Major Lisbeth Andersen, the wife of the Regional Commander.

There are many prayer concerns that I want to share with you and ask you to bring to the Lord specifically and regularly.

A few weeks back one of the trucks bringing humanitarian aid into Latvia from Sweden was turned back at the border because the papers were not in order to bring foodstuffs into the country. Unfortunately, the newspapers learned of the story and somehow twisted it to say that Henrik Andersen, the Regional Commander was trying to smuggle trucks into the country to sell to finance the work in Latvia. This has caused so many problems and has taken up countless hours as Henrik has had to deal with journalists and the Authorities of the country and the Salvation Army. Every time it seems to quiet down and they think they have heard the end of it, it comes up again. Lisbeth told me that the papers had more on Friday and were writing really negative things about Henrik and The Salvation Army.

Please pray about this situation, that it will be resolved freeing Henrik to do the business that needs to be done.

There are major problems at two of the Corps in the Country.

1. Daugavpils is a Corps in the second largest city in Latvia. It is a Russian city near the border of Russia. The Corps was started under the leadership of Fjodors Tokarenko and has grown to a large vibrant S.A. Corps. Fjodors has been trained in the Baptist Seminary in Russia. Due to the History of the Country and the Culture, many of the people believe that Communion and Baptism are necessary to Salvation. They have been serving wine to the congregation and reports have come to headquarters that Fjodors is drinking. Henrik spent a few days in Daugavpils this past week (about 300 km from Riga) and is convinced that Fjodors is not drinking, other than the Communion wine. Henrik has been very firm that both these Sacraments can not be done as they have been doing them. Fjodors has agreed to abide by the Orders and Regulations about this.

Henrik already dealt with this at the conference when I was in Latvia and spent considerable time teaching and explaining the Army's position about this.

Lisbeth asked that we pray earnestly for officers to be sent to continue the work at Daugavpils. The Corps has grown to the point that it really needs the experience of trained officers.

Fjodors could then commence a Russian Corps in a Russian district in Riga. His home is in Riga and his wife lives there so they are separated most of the week while he is working in Daugavpils. They have approached Headquarters asking for officers and have been told there is no money or personnel available.

2. The Corps in Drusti is a very small corps in a very small community. The S.A. was left a house and farm on condition that the woman living there would have a home there as long as she lives. She runs a daily soup kitchen for children from the town school. One of the Headquarters staff, Diana Stankevica is running an outpost at that house . They have meetings and Bible studies twice a month. These two women are not working well together and now the town people have become involved and again Lisbeth and Henrik have to try and figure out what is going on. Henrik received a letter on official letterhead from the Town Council about the woman who lives in the house. On calling through, the head of the Council knew nothing about it and was very upset to hear about the letter. The Andersens are getting completely conflicting stories and don't know who to believe. They must deal with this as the Army name is being put to the test in that part of Latvia.

Lisbeth asked that we pray they will have discernment so they will be able to make the right decisions in this matter. They have to find out the truth as there have been many charges against both these women and so far they are unfounded.

Also, the Finance officer for the Region fell coming into the grounds of Headquarters this week and broke his kneecap in three places. He is in hospital for 10 days and will be off work for two months. He is so needed as all the finance for every Corps and Institution in the country is done through Headquarters. Edvins Skeltons is one of the most dedicated workers in the Army. While I was there and he was on holidays, he still came into the office twice a week to keep everything going. One of the staff, Ilona Muceniece has been doing his work and keeping in touch with him by phone and running back and forth to the hospital to get things signed, etc.

Both these fine Salvationists need your prayer at this time.

We discussed these problems and others at length and finally I said to Lisbeth, "We should be praising God, because it's obvious the Devil is very unhappy with the progress that is being made. He won't leave things alone but will stir up trouble and do what he can to prevent the work of the Lord from growing. When ever things are going well 'he' steps in and messes things up."

Please pray for this wonderful young couple as they have given their whole life to serve God where He has placed them. They are the right people, in the right place, at the right time. God is in control and He knows what He is doing and what He has planned for that wonderful country.

They have a small team of good people working with them, but they need more help. Please continue to pray that the Lord will provide the resources and the personnel to meet that need.

Now, folks, I have once again involved you in the work of the Lord in Latvia. We don't have to be there to be part of this exciting work. We can pray. That is so vitally important.

This has been a wonderful year for me and this Christmas time my heart is full of praise to Him for all His goodness .

I wish all of you every blessing and pray you will experience all the JOY of this season as you experience His coming into your lives, each and every moment.

Love, Wilma

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