Welcome to My Virtual Home in the Net














Academic & CV


HTML Pages
designed &
maintained by
Jonny Latuny
� 2000-2003

This page was
last updated
on March 14, 2003

This is just a

Phoney Counter


All java scripts and java classes listed in this page were tested to work successfully using Internet Explorer 5 and Netscape Navigator 4.5 in Windows 98 SE using IBM Aptiva 60A machine.



Different View of My World - The page contains two java script and a java class aplication. Java class application is used to display a ticker as banner in the top of the page. The ticker has a blue background with yellow text that moving from right to left. The color of the text will be changed to cyan when the mouse is positioned in the ticker area. The ticker contains a link which will direct the user to the main page by clicking at the appropriate area.In addition, the page also contains a java script application which produced a group of colored circles which act as a trail of the mouse pointer. In addition, the page uses the application of cookies to count how many times a visitor have accessed there and also provide a appropriate greetings indonesian based on the timw when the visitor arrive in this page.
here to see it.








Check Your Browser (1). You can check your browser capability for java enabled option using this page. If your browser is enabled for java class or java script application within a web page, you will see a message which confirm the status otherwise you will see other message stated no java enabled in this page. Within a java enabled browser you will see a sequence of fading text in red and violet which show the status of the browser and a link to proceed to the main page of my site. Click here if you to check your browser for java enabled option.








Check Your Browser (2). This the second page which can be used to check your browser capability for java enabled option. If your browser is enabled for java class or java script application within a web page, you will see a message which confirm the status otherwise you will see other message stated no java enabled in this page. Within a java enabled browser you will see a sequence of shrinking text in light green and cyan which show the status of the browser and a link to proceed to the main page of my site.
here if you to check your browser for java enabled option.








Message Writer. This page contains a writer and colored circles trailing for the pointer. The writer was constructed using java script and it functions to display a messages which appears as it was written in sequence. The page also conatins an application of java script which disabled the right-click function of mouse.
here to access this page.








Operating System Check (1).
Operating System Check (2).
These pages will specify the type of browser and operating you are using. Please be notify that the above pages need a java enabled browser.








Moving Window.You will see a window which moving from left to right of your screen. The window will be passed to right and closed automatically. The default page will redirect you back to the HTML Design page after 30 seconds. If you don't want to wait, click back button of your browser.








Scrolling Text and Ticker. The page shows an application of a scrolling text and a ticker which were produced using to java classes. Scrolling text was in green on black background. Ticker text was in white on red background.
here to see it.










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