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During the final days of Solaris the battle waged was dark, cold, unrelentless, and ever so brutal. Formerly enemies, Houses Davion, Liao, Steiner, and Kurita where united with Marik against The AOL Imperial Army, a foe so overwhelmingly powerful that only a miracle could save the day.

Alas, the miracle did not occur and all was lost in the end within the AOL realm. Solaris was turned into a radioactive wasteland that would no longer support life, and the communities that form around it. Yet, the story doesn’t end there.

Amid the ruins there remained pockets of resistance who continued to grow and fight hand in hand. One such group was <SPAWN> of House Marik.

During the dark time <SPAWN>, though not able to stop the onslaught of the marauders, was able to successfully defend several key locations within the Sector that was both their area of operations and home: Black Hills.

Black Hills Sector (IrCQ Client)
Guzman Park
The New Avalon Bar
Arena 3
<SPAWN> Ready Room

Even as you read this passage the development of future pilots to defend and uphold the honor of House Marik progresses forward. We may no longer have our MPBT universe, yet we still have the community of pilots and friends - our true legacy. Additionally, as new pockets of resistance appear from the smoke and rubble then so this story continues for in unity nothing can divide us.

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