1. You have reached your age majority. We are not responsible if you are under this age and you are viewing this content.
  2. This site contains male explicit nude images. All models are over 18 years old, and they authorized the release of their pictures just for promotion.
  3. This is not a sex solicitation agency, just a multimedia (tv, photo, sound, interactive) production service. Then, people requesting dates or similars out of our work will be rejected.
  4. This site promotes a business line based on deals with costumers. Deals will be managed with discretion. However, if some deals provocate some legal troubles, we will evaluate the release of information to prove we are not doing anything illegal.
  5. You have not the right to prosecute us, if we are working with all law requeriments. Those are based according Peru and U.S. codes.
  6. We reserve the right to work with some costumers if we detect they are not under the law.

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