The club has decided to introduce a member's referral system.Starting from the August 08 issue of the club magazine(which we are making extra special to coincide with Chris celebrating the ''Big 40''),as a way of not only expanding the club to reach more of Chris' worldwide fans(which we sort of started reacently by offering the new 3 tier membership plans),but also to thank current members for thier continuing support of Chris and his fan club.
The club will be introducing the special members' referral program.Whereby any current member who introduces a new club member at the same membership level as thier own will receive bonus chris items such as colour photos etc and a further 10% discount on all club merchandise purchased during that membership year.This is on top of the current discounts you already receive as a member of ''Latin Attraction'' *1
All that is needed to take part in the referral program is for the new member to advise us of the name of the current member who referred them(e,g your name). The club will then advise you by email and mark this alongside your name in our records.Once you are advised that a new member was referred by you,we will send you your bonus chris items and you can then start purchasing other club related merchandise at the discounted prices.
If a member refers 10 or more new members then he will also receive 1 full year's membership free of charge.

*1 - this does not apply to items in our online store due to cafepress limitations and requirements.
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