Costa Rica,Chris' homeland has reacently been devastated by an earthquake with many homes and roads destroyed.To date 18 people have been confirmed dead with numbers expected to rise to at least 40 in the coming days.
As a result of this and with Chris' agreement the fan club has decided to create an earthquake appeal to help the victims affected by the quake.
You can make a donation by clicking on either the costa rican map above or on the donation button below.Both will take you to the paypal login page(you don't need an account to send a donation) where you should enter the fan club's email address and enter the amount you wish to donate.In many countries,donations over $2 are tax deductable(check your own countries tax laws for this).
Not only you will automatically receive a receipt of your donation from paypal but also from the fan club aswell. All donations over $40US will automatically place you in the draw to receive a free gold level membership to the club for one year.

Once all donations have been collected these will be sent to the appropriate authorities at the Costa Rican embassy to be used to help the victims of the earthquake.

To read more about the Costa Rican earthquake click here
Costa Rican Earthquake
** As of 31st march 2009,the club has raised $425US for the costa rican earthquake appeal.
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