Dear Theresa,

I love you, simply put.  I know you don�t want to hear that, but it�s the truth.  Let me explain myself last night.  After you told me that outstanding news, I freaked.  But, than again, who wouldn�t?  I realize yelling and screaming wasn�t the best route to take, for it left us both miserable.  And I know sorry won�t cut it, but I am.

Thinking now, I�m more than thrilled.  How can I not be?  I�m going to be a father.  And it�s with the only woman I love.  I guess the only thing that�s really missing, is you as my wife.  That�s what I meant to come out of my mouth last night.  I had such a wonderful evening and hearing the news should have made it better.  And it should have ended with me asking you to be my wife and a kiss, such a sweet, loving, intense kiss.  But, being stupid, I threw that all away.

I showed such little respect for you and such hatred towards something I brought into this world.  I welcome it with open arms now.  I can�t picture my life without it now.  I know that�s odd, but everything came to me last night.

How funny, �last night�.  Everything was last night.  It makes me seem stupid and I am.  I can�t even think straight anymore.  I feel so lost, so alone in this cruel world I created.  And, trust me, I�m only blaming myself.

With this letter, I�m enclosing the ring I got for you.  To be honest, without the yelling from me, our two year anniversary was perfect.  And, even if you choose not to forgive me, I quite understand.  Just know that I love you very dearly and I truly can�t imagine my life without you.  Oh, and these last two years have been the best of my life.  Thank you for all that.  I will love you always.

  Love You and Forever Yours,
        Kevin Richardson

P.S. This is �what I really meant to say�
What I Really Meant To Say
By: Resa Dorough (idea from Jennifer Dorough)
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