�Tere�� Jules started.
�JUST GO!� I yelled, cutting her off. 
�Theresa..� Nick started too
�Look, I�ll be fine, really, just go, please.�  I didn�t give him time to respond before me, Ryan, Troy, and Mikel all began running down the alley. 

Three hours later, Nick was sitting with Jules and the rest of the gang.
�Dude, would you clam down?� Jules asked him.
�This isn�t right for her.  I knew her when she was young, the sweet kind, not like this,� Nick said, thinking back.  He finally came too when he heard the door opening up.  Troy and Ryan walked in first and told Jules to call for an ambulance. 
�Why�� she started asking, but shut up when she who walked in next.  Mikel was carrying me in, and blood was coming from my arm, and the wound on my head.  She reached for the phone and quickly dialed 911.  Mikel moved me over to the couch and laid me down.  Nick rushed over and grabbed my hand.  5 minutes later, the ambulance arrived. 

I came to the following day.  I looked around the room and I noticed that Jules was there with Roberto and Nick�s friends were there as well. 
�What happened?� I asked.
�Ricky�s guys and you got in a little fight...�
�Yeah, I remember all that.  How long have I been in here?�
�Just a day.  The doctor says you�re alright now, but he wants you out of the gang, like everyone else will tell you.�
�Oh, screw him.  Hand me my clothes, I�m out of here.�  Jules handed me my clothes but she stopped when Nick grabbed her arm. 
�She�s not going till the doctor discharges her,� he said.
�Nick, I�m not going to listen to you.  You�re not in my life anymore.  It was nice seeing you, and I�m glad you know you have a son, but really, my life has changed, and I don�t want to bring you into all of this.  It�s not right for you or your friends.�
�You said my son, and I want what�s best for my son, our son, and that means you being off the streets,� he said, taking my clothes and putting them back in the chair.
�Roberto is fine, he won�t get harmed, so just lay off.  I�ve been taking care of him for the last four years, and I think I�ve done a damn good job,� I said, glaring at Nick.
�Well, I�m sorry, I�m not leaving and I�m taking you off the streets, or I�m taking Roberto, your choice,� Nick said, picking up Roberto.  Nick started tickling him and he tried squirming in his arms. 
�Hey Frack, dude, come on, we have to get going,� Brian said.
�Nope, not till I know she won�t leave this place and I know that she�s out of the gang,� he said, stopping to look at the guys.
�Nick, we don�t have time for this.  The photo shoot is like in 30 minutes, we have to go,� Kevin said, taking Roberto from Nick�s arms and placing him in mine.  I smiled at him and he smiled back. 
�Kevin, I�m serious.  Tell them I�m sick or something, but I�m not leaving yet.�  I watched this whole scene and I knew I had to leave.  It wasn�t right for Nick to do this, and I knew that he was right about taking care of Roberto.
�Nick, you go with them, right now.  You go, and I promise you, I�m out of it,� I said, not even looking at Nick, but at Jules.  She just looked at me and nodded her head.  I knew in the past year I had gained to many enemies and I knew that this was the first attempt and I knew there was more to come.
�Theresa, are you sure you�re going to do this?�
�Yeah Nick, I�m sure.�  I glanced up at him and he smiled.  Then him and the guys left.
�I�m going to miss you,� Jules said. 
�No you won�t.  I want to know what�s going on with it all, please?�
�Theresa, you sure?�
�Yeah, I�m sure.  I won�t be able to do much, but do please keep me informed?�  She nodded her head and gave me a hug.
�This is it Jules, send everyone my love, and remember, you�re the leader so you have to be strong.  Don�t take any bullshit from anyone.�  She nodded her head.  She bent down, gave Roberto a kiss on the head, gave me a quick hug, and slipped out of the room.  I sighed and looked down at Roberto.  �We�re going to spend time with your daddy, kay?�
�Yeah, he�s funny.  And so are his friends.�
�Yeah, aren�t they.  This should be fun right?�  I looked down and noticed he had fallen asleep in my arms. ---

I sighed and shook my head.  I glanced at Richard, told him the story and he just stared at me.  �What?�
�So that�s how you got involved with Nick Carter.�
�Yup.  I�m sorry Richard.  I should have told you but my past was something I couldn�t bring up.  I mean, I�m not ashamed cause it helped me live, but I knew you would place judgment on it.�
�Then, I would have.  Now, I�m just wondering what I can do to help.�
�I�m not sure.  I don�t even know why Ricky is contacting me.  I haven�t talked to Jules or anyone in there since I left, three years ago.  If something big had happened, I�m sure they would have let me known.  They knew I could help them.�
�I would think so.  Look, go home, spend some thinking about this and tomorrow, you�ll have some money, a ticket to go back to Arizona and anything else you need.�
�Thanks Richard.  I do owe you.�  He smiled and just gave me a hug.

I opened my house and looked around.  No sign of anyone being home.  I closed and locked the door.  I walked into my bedroom and went to my closet.  I pulled a box down and unlocked.  I closed my eyes and opened the lid.  I glanced inside and took a deep breath.  I pulled out my gun and cocked it.  I loaded it and put the safety on.  I also pulled out a red shirt with the old gang name on it.  I wrapped the gun up in that and put them aside.  I grabbed my old necklace, �Theresa� written in Old English font, a font that was used for your gang.  I pulled out the ring and put it back on my finger.  My middle finger.  I sighed and took my wedding band off.  I put the box down and set the ring in my jewelry box.  I glanced up and stared into a pair of blue eyes.  I smiled and he walked over to me.  He snaked his arms around my waist and I leaned my head against his chest.  I felt someone tug on my skirt and looked at my youngest son, Thomas.  He smiled and put his arms, asking us to hold him.  I picked him up and held him.  He giggled and wrapped his arms around my neck.  He gave me a huge hug and held his arms out to Nick.  Once Nick took him, I walked out to the living room.  I saw Roberto sitting there, playing his video games.
The Truth Be Told
By: Resa Dorough
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