�Grandma, is this the last tale?�  I glanced at Dwayne, this time, he didn�t want it to end.
�For now.  I promise, the next time you come, I�ll have Auntie Theresa over and she can tell you about Uncle AJ and how crazy he is.�
�I like their grand kids,� Pollyanna said.
�They�re just as crazy as their parents, who are just as crazy as AJ and Theresa.�  I laughed, remembering their births and my kids births.
�I want the wedding,� Pollyanna said.
�A year later after he proposed, one week before our engagement anniversary, which was one week before our �going out� anniversary, was our wedding.  We planned it that every week we would have a party.  A day that had me nervous��
I fixed my veil, yet that did nothing to help.  I was nervous.  I felt it in my bones, in my soul. You could see it in my eyes and the way my hands were shaking.  I took a deep breath, yet wishing I had some kind of drink around.  I plopped down on the couch, letting my mind drift back to the first time I met him and than how I saw him on the third cruise.  I sighed and heard my door open and close.
�This is not the day to be sitting down.�  I glanced up at my friend and looked right in her eyes.  She would be perfect with Howie, just like me.  But, I got him first.
�You know, you would be fine with Howie.�
�I know.  But, he talked to you.  I swear, it�s the eyes, the blonde hair�you know.  Sides, you know AJ�s style always runs along the fact�big boobs.�  I laughed but just looked at her.
�Theresa, I�m so nervous.�
�Honey, it�s okay.  He�s just as nervous as you are.   I just talked to Howie.�
�That does not make me feel any better.�  She laughed and sat down next to me.
�Do you wish your life was different?�
�Oh Lord no.�
�So, you�re happy?�
�Of course.�
�Remember when we met each other on the cruise?�
�Remember us dancing, feeling special that Howie let us in his �little group�?�  I thought about it for a moment, and just laughed.
�How could I forget?�
�Don�t know.  Remember seeing him on the third cruise?  How your eyes shone with love.  Just remember that.  Don�t think about tomorrow, a few hours from now, or even minutes.  Just think, that you met your dream man and he�s everything you wanted in a husband.�  I smiled, knowing she had done her magic and put me at ease. 
�Thank you.  Now I know why you�re a writer.�
�Well, you know.�  She blushed and I laughed.  I got up and she followed me.  We checked our make up and hair.  I took a deep breath, ready for this day. 
�Thank you.  For everything.  You�re such a special friend.�
�Yet I�m not your maid of honor, how sad.�
�That�s my sister.�
�And?�  I cracked up again and gave her a hug. 
�Lets go knock em� dead.�  I followed Theresa out the door and saw the flowers, the birds, and even the trees, all happy.
�You were happy?�
�Nervous, very nervous.  I was scared too.  A perfect day and anything could ruin it,� I answered Pollyanna.
�But you two were so happy.�
�Yes, but anything can go wrong.  Oh, and little things did happen, but things I couldn�t fix.�
�Like?�  I thought for a moment, trying to recall something that happened.
�When I walked out and took my place�.�
I stopped behind Theresa and heard her gasp. 
�I forgot my flowers.  Where are they?�  I shook my head, knowing we were already late.
�In my room.�  She giggled and ran back to my room.  It took her forever to find them and finally came back.
�Sorry.�  We took our positions and walked down the aisle.  I could have sworn everyone was in dead silence.  And I was waiting to trip and fall.  Though, that didn�t happen till I reached Howie.  I forgot the first step was low and took a bigger step.  I lost my balance and his hand reached out and grabbed my hand, making it look staged.  I took a deep breath and glanced at Theresa.  She had her head down, her flowers covering her face, but I knew she was laughing.  And inside I was dying.  The rest of the wedding went on fine.  Even the reception was fine.  Until we had to dance alone, in the spotlight.  We walked out in the middle of the floor and Howie pulled me close.  The first spun he did, I spun out and nearly tripped on my dress.  It got wrapped around my legs and I forgot about it.  I shook my head, yet no one laughed or did anything.  All except Theresa of course. 
�Everything is fine baby.  You know you look great.�
�You too.  I can�t believe we did it.�
�You�re officially Mrs. Dorough.�
�Nice ring to it.�
�Of course it does.  And how many times were you writing it tonight?�  I blushed and yet beamed.
�Too many to count.  I love you Howie.�
�I love you too baby.�  And he kissed me.  The world was in perfect harmony.  Everyone was awwing and I was blushing, but I was so happy.  A day that was romantic, funny, perfect in every way.

�Is that it Grandma?� Dwayne asked.
�For now babe, that is it.�
�I want to hear more.�
�Pollyanna, you always want more.  What can I do?�
�How did Uncle AJ and Auntie Theresa get married?� she asked.
�Let that go girlie.  Be happy that you know all about us.  And you�re parents are going to kill me for telling you.�  I laughed and tucked them into bed.  I gave them a kiss and watched as they dozed off.  I felt a hand on my waist and turned around.  �Hey sweetie.�
�Hi.�  He gave me a hug and we walked into the living room.  Long after our marriage, our kids were born, and we got old, we settled in.  We loved just being with one another, watching TV, a movie, listening to music, whatever it may be.  But, we were always holding hands.  Maybe love does come only once.  But whatever the case, I knew I had my soul mate.
Soul Mate (chapter III)
By: Resa Dorough (for Jennifer Happy Birthday)
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