I smiled as I saw my boyfriend trying to put the angel on the top of the tree.  He kept trying to reach up there, but only succeed in knocking it down or him falling down.  I covered my mouth and turned around.
�This is not funny.�
�Yes it is Kevin.�
�How dare you!  You come up here and get it.�  I shrugged my shoulders and agreed.  He gave me the angel and I put it up, no falling or knocking down.  �Whatever.� 
�Don�t be upset Kevin.  It�s the Christmas season.�
�I know.  Come here.�  He pulled me against him and kissed my lips.  �I love you.�
�I love you too.  Now, go put the rest of the decorations up.  I need to make some cookies.�  He rolled his eyes, but went to moving.  I smiled as I watched him walk away.  This was the first Christmas where we didn�t spend it with our family.  We had our own family to spend it with, actually.  My son had gotten sick a week early and we said we wouldn�t fly out anywhere.  So, in Orlando, we were going to have our own Christmas.  It was different.  We usually don�t stay home; we fly out.  I heard someone coughing behind me and saw Tyler James walking down the stairs.
�Mommy, I couldn�t sleep anymore.�
�That�s okay Tyler.  Want to help daddy put up the decorations?�
�Will he let me?� Tyler asked, his eyes lighting up.
�I highly doubt he would say no.  Let�s go ask,� I said, holding out my hand so he would take it.  We walked into the living room and I saw Kevin putting up some lights.
�Yes Tyler?�
�Would you mind if I helped you?�
�Of course not.  Come on, we�ll let mommy do the cooking.�  Tyler laughed and ran over to Kevin.  Kevin picked him put and spun him around.  I watched and sighed.  I shook my head and went back into the kitchen, getting the ingredients to make my cookies.  I smelled the ham and smiled.  This would be a perfect Christmas.

I set the table and waited for my handsome men to come join me for this wonderful feast.  They walked down, hand in hand, and I smiled.  Tyler had his hair slicked back and his little suit on.
�Tyler, you look very handsome.�
�You look pretty mommy.�  He ran over and gave me a big hug and took his seat.
�You look beautiful,� Kevin said, kissing me.  I had pulled on a red velvet dress and pulled my hair back.
�You look good too Kevin.�  He had gotten some black slacks and a gray sweater that hugged all the right spots.  He smiled and took his seat.  I put the food out and got some milk for Tyler.  I poured a little wine for Kevin and set the bottle aside. 
�Aren�t you going to have any baby?�
�I don�t think so.  I�ll just have some soda.�  He gave me an odd look but smiled.  We enjoyed our food, talking about what we wanted for Christmas.  After we ate, we all sat down in the living room, watching some Christmas movies on TV.  Shortly after, we got tired of watching that and put some carols on, all of us singing along.  Tyler put on a little show and Kevin and I laughed.  At 12:00 we let Tyler open one present early.  It had come from my mom and it was a remote control car, the one thing he was telling everyone he wanted.  Kevin opened one and I opened one.  After that, we were off to bed to wait for Santa and to open our gifts the following morning, Christmas Day.

I walked downstairs in my robe and waited for Tyler to wake up.  I saw all the presents under the tree and started yelling, something that was done for me and Kevin when we were kids.  I heard Tyler get something and race downstairs, Kevin right behind me.  Tyler�s eyes lit up and he ran to the tree, looking all around, shocked.
�Mommy, look at all the gifts.�
�I see them sweetie.�
�Daddy, Santa came last night.  I heard him and look, he ate mommy�s cookies.�  Kevin looked over at me and I glanced at him.  We smiled and tried hard not to laugh.
�Yup, I think Santa was hungry.�
�Oh, can we open our gifts mommy?�
�Go right ahead Tyler.  You can pass them out.�
�Thanks.�  He started giving them out, one by one.  I waited to open mine and watched Tyler and Kevin open their gifts.  They were so cute.  They made noises whenever they opened their gifts.  I laughed and started opening mine up.  An hour later, we were finished, all but two presents. 
�Tyler, there should be one more thing outside,� I said.  His eyes lit up and he raced outside, only to scream.  I laughed and walked over to the tree.  I handed Kevin one of the presents and he looked at me.  �This is a special gift.�  He opened it up and saw 3 pictures in a picture frame.  The pictures where the pictures they take when you go have your first check up on your baby.  His eyes opened wide and I smiled.  �Your second one Kevin.�
�Oh, baby, I love you so much.  What a wonderful present.  Here, this is a perfect time for this.�  He got the other gift and opened it for me.  It was a ring, to be exact, an engagement ring.  I screamed and he kneeled in front of me.  �You know you�re the only woman for me.  You bore me one son and about to bear me another child.  I can�t love anyone else the way I love you.  Please say you�ll marry me.�  I threw my arms around his neck and cried.
�Kevin, you know I will.  I love you so much.�  He kissed me, his love, his heart, his passion, all behind it, and I returned it full.  Tyler came in and cleared his throat.  I pulled away and looked at him than at Kevin.  �I love you too Tyler.�  He sat down next to me and put his arm around my waist.  I listened to the song that was playing and knew I would forever remember this song, 'Slient Night'.
"Silent Night"
By: Resa Dorough
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