�It�s locked.�  I rolled my eyes and felt in my pocket a funny thing.  It was a charm and it fit exactly inside the lock.  I opened the door and gasped.  I looked around the guys just stared at me.  �Go in oh brave one.�  I glared at Nick.
�I need a light or something.�
�Here,� Kevin said, holding up a lantern.  �Came prepared.�
�Thanks.�  I held it up and walked down the steps.  I glanced on the walls, the pictures telling so many tells.  �This is all tombs in one.�
�How can you tell?� AJ asked.
�This are stories of Hapy�s life.  Everyone one must be buried here.�
�That�s kinda freaky, isn�t it?� Brian asked.  I glanced back at him.
�Not really, that�s how they did things in those times.  Some could be buried alive.�
�Really?� Nick asked, freaking out of his mind.
�Yeah.  Don�t worry though.  I had a dream last night, everyone was dead before they got buried.�  I came to another door and put the charm against the lock.  Once again, the door opened and I held the light up.  �You know, this has been locked for so long.  What we�re seeing, no one has ever seen.�
�That�s very amazing.  Makes me feel special,� Kevin said, laughing a little. 
�If you look to your left�I believe that�s�Nun�s sarcophagus.�
�Yes.  That�s your symbol, Nick.  And beyond on that one is Atum�s.�
�Wow,� AJ breathed out.  I smiled and turned around.
�There is Kephri�s and Thoth�s on the other side.�
�Okay, I don�t want to see myself buried like that,� Brian said, shaking his head.
�Where�s yours and mine?� Howie asked.
�There�s another door, it�s probably behind there.�  I walked to it and unlocked the door.  I gasped, not sure if I wanted to see.  I cringed as a pot rolled across the floor.
�What was that?� Nick asked.
�I kicked a pot.�
�What is a pot doing in there?� AJ asked.
�It was very common for a pharaoh to buried with his things in life.  It was to follow him in the after life.  That�s why people were buried alive.  So they could follow the pharaoh.�
�Oh, good thing we all dead when we were put in here,� Brian said.  I laughed and walked over to my sarcophagus.  I traced my nails over it, wanting to open it.  I placed my charm on the lock and quickly opened it.  �What the fuck are you doing?� Brian asked.
�Resurrecting myself of course.  I need to finish the job right.�
�I don�t think so, Theresa.  Or Tefnut.�  My head quickly glanced to the door and saw Nicholi there.
�Neffertiti.  What a pleasure.�
�I�m almost certain.�
�You know, it�s never right to kill people.�
�You killed me.�
�You were foolish to wear my necklace, weren�t you.  Hapy gave that to me.  He loved me, not you.�
�That was a true pity.  I had a much better lover.�
�Atum stopped loving you after you betrayed him.  The night you died, he told Hapy everything.  Why do you think you were cursed in the after life?  Hapy couldn�t stand the thought that you murdered me.�
�He didn�t love you.  Why do you keep saying that?�
�Snap out of your little life Neffertiti.�
�I�m going to kill you again.�
�Again?  Do you realize how funny that sounds?�
�It�s not funny.�  She screamed and pointed a gun at me.  �Die.  Just die.�  I flipped over the sarcophagus and lunged for her.  She fell down on the floor and I raced up the stairs and out the door.  I quickly felt her arms around my legs and she tackled me down.  She punched my face and I rolled us over.  I slapped her and quickly got off of her.
�You want to end this Neffertiti, than shoot me.  End it now.  But, if you kill me before I kill you, I will only come back to haunt you.�  She got up and dusted herself off.  I reached in my pocket and withdrew the necklace.  �This is what you want?�
�Yes.  Just give it to me.�  I handed her the necklace and she smiled.
�Thank you.�
�Do you want me to help you put that on?� AJ asked her.  Her eyes glanced at him and smiled.
�Wait�don�t do it Neffertiti,� Nick said.  I glanced at him.
�Why not?�
�Want to die?�
�The spell is no longer strong on it.�  She slipped the necklace on and smiled.  �See?�
�You proved me wrong.�
�It�s hot.  The sun�.�  She glanced down at her arms and back up at me.  �What did you do?�
�The spell was never broken.�
�Damn your soul Tefnut.�  She raised her arm, gun cocked and she fired.  I felt the bullet and my eyes opened wide.  I feel back, right before she screamed.  I closed my eyes and heard a thump.
�Theresa?�  I glanced at Howie, trying so hard to breathe.
�Howie�I�m sorry.�
�For what?�  I gasped for breath.
�For�.bringing you in this.�
�Oh baby.  No, don�t die.�
�Take the necklace and put it away, a safe place�.I removed the spell��
�I killed her myself.  I had to, in order for me to�.live in the after life.�
�Theresa�.Tefnut, you can�t leave me again.�
�I�ll see you�my love�.there�s the after life.�
�No, God no.  Help her!�
�They won�t help.  Tell the guys, I�ll see them. And I thank all of them.  I love you Hapy.�
�Tefnut, my love�NOOO!�  I smiled and closed my eyes.  He let the tears fall, crying over his lost love once again.  The guys bowed their heads, not letting their emotion show either.  Howie slowly got up and glanced around.  �Do I go bury her?�
�Yeah, it�s the right place,� Kevin said.  Howie nodded and picked up the body.  He walked back down the stairs and laid her in the sarcophagus.  He closed it and locked it up once again.  He still let the tears flow, thinking of his lost love.  But at least she was happy and waiting for him.  �How funny, things never change,� Howie thought to himself.  �A lot like the sands of time.�
Sands Of Time
By: Resa Dorough (thanks to Terri for the title)
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