�But I will tell you this.  I spit on your child, for I know it�s not Hapy�s child. Yet, being the kind man that he is will raise that child as if it was his own.  I will not hurt him in such a manner, no; my love for him is too strong.  But if you hurt him, Neffertiti, you will answer to me, and I am not forgiving, like he is.  Good day your highness.�  I bowed and walked out of the room.  I heard a pot fall against the floor and I smiled to myself.  ~*~*~*

I woke up, stunned and in tears.  I bowed my head, losing all thoughts, only thinking about the dream.  I held the necklace up and sighed.  �No, the story he sold me was not right at all,� I thought to myself.  I brushed my hair and grabbed my purse.  I jumped in my car and tore off for the store.  I walked in, slamming the door behind me.
�Okay, for one, tell me the truth. Tefnut was more than a scribe, wasn�t she?�
�What do you mean?�
�She was a sorceress, wasn�t she?�
�She had some power.�
�Why don�t I tell you the story that I know.�
�But you can�t know anything.�
�Really?  How about Hapy was madly in love with Tefnut, but for fear of not being a Pharaoh if he married Tefnut, he married Neffertiti, a safe bet.  See, Tefnut, she was smarter than most women, after all, she was a sorceress.  But Hapy promised to only love Tefnut and he made her part of his rulers, a scribe.  She was to work with Thoth, a friend she would keep for quite a while.�
�Go on.�
�Am I right so far?�  He sighed and shook his head.
�Yes, that is the story so far.�
�Neffertiti knew that Hapy never truly loved her and she hated Tefnut so she would do anything she could to get rid of Tefnut.  But, she could only do so much of course.  She made a friend though, a certain Medji who loved her, by the name of Atum.  And of course, Atum would do anything for his love.  One day, Hapy sought out Tefnut, confessing his undying love and gave her a necklace, precious for it contained jewels that only a queen should wear.  And Tefnut fell in love with it. She was well aware that Neffertiti wanted it, so she cast a spell on the necklace that it should never be removed from the hands of Tefnut.  She was the only one to own it, the only won to wear it.�
�Where do you know this from?�
�I�m taking it, I�m right.�
�Good.  Neffertiti was never aware that the spell was cast, and one day, when Tefnut was out with the people, Neffertiti went into her room and picked up the necklace.  She placed it on her neck, but got suddenly weak.  It was the necklace, she realized and she tore if off her neck.  She fell to the floor, scared that someone tried to kill her like that.  As she was leaving the room, she saw Nun and Atum.  Nun was the leader of the Medji.  Atum was worried and rushed her to her chambers, yet Nun knew what was going on.  He went straight to the Pharaoh, worried for Tefnut.  Yet, Hapy could do nothing to protect her.  The last day of Tefnut�s life, she was in the temple with Khepri, Hapy�s high priest and Thoth, her right hand man.  When they left, Neffertiti came and slid a sword right through Tefnut.  When Khepri and Thoth came back to the temple, they saw her dead.  They sent word to Hapy and he was much upset.  He had no idea who would do such a thing.  That same night, Neffertiti, almost ready to deliver her baby, wore that necklace, thinking that the spell at last would be broken, except, it wasn�t.  And that necklace stole Neffertiti�s strength, causing her to die.  She ripped the necklace off her neck and with her dying breath, called out for Atum.  Nun, who was watching the grounds, heard this, rushed to her room and saw her.  He sent for Hapy and Khepri, and yet, there was nothing they could do.  Khepri later came to Hapy and said Tefnut had cast a spell on the necklace.  He said that Tefnut told him all this and he said that she would never go to the after world if she were to die.  She would stand watch over that necklace, for once she died, the spell was worse than ever.  It wouldn�t take the strength, it would burn you alive.�
�Wow.  That�s the truth.�
�So, afraid as anyone would be, Hapy tried to destroy the necklace, but no one could, the spell on it was to strong.  There was no Sunna or Raytha.�
�So why lie?�
�If anyone found out the truth behind that necklace, they would destroy it.�
�And?  It�s evil.�
�The rest of the story goes that Tefnut still protects it.�
�She can�t.  I wore it and nothing happened to me.�
�Than you must be Tefnut, reincarnated.�
�Not even close.�
�How did you know all that?�
�I don�t know.  I had a dream and I saw it all.�
�Leave this store, don�t ever come back.�
�You hold power that you don�t know.  Please, leave.�  I stared at the man, confused that he would ask that of me.  �I will call the cops.�
�Where do you come from?�
�That�s how you know about all this?�
�Yes.  Please, leave.�
�I�ll go.�  I turned back around and left.

I got home and sat on the couch.  I picked up my phone and dialed up a number.
�Bri, its Theresa.�
�What�s up girl.�
�I have a problem.�
�And that is?�
�That necklace.�
�Oh yeah, what�s the story behind it?�
�It�s from Ancient Egypt.  I�ve had dreams about people from there.�
�Such as?�
�Such as you, Kevin, Howie, AJ, Nick.  All of us.�
�Wow.  Did you bump your head or anything?�
Sands Of Time
By: Resa Dorough (thanks to Terri for the title)
Take me home
Sands Of Time
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