�Tefnut you must not do this.  He is married.�
�And what Khepri?�
�Very well.�  I glanced up as I head the shouting coming from out in the courtyard.  �What is going on?�
�I do not know.�  I sighed and lifted my skirt up.  I walked to the window and glanced down.  Peasants were screaming at each other.  I shook my head and walked down the many stairs and out into the courtyard. 
�What is the meaning of this?�
�He stole my camel and I�m demanding that he gives it back.�  I glanced at the older man who spoke all this and than down at the younger man.
�Did you steal it?�
�No, I did not.�
�Are you calling him a liar than?�
�Fine.  I�ll take this to the Pharaoh.  He will see you shortly.  For now, leave this place and be far away from each other."  They stared at each other and left.
�Thank you.�  I turned around and stared at the man there, the man in charge of the guards and the army, known as a Medji.
�You are welcome Nun.�
�Are you really going to the Pharaoh with that?�
�I don�t have a choice.  We want peace here, not trouble.  But, this is your case truly, not mine.�
�I�ll take you up.�  I smiled at him and laughed.
�If you wish Nun.�  I walked into the throne room and handed the tablet to the Pharaoh Hapy.
�Thank you Tefnut.�
�You are welcome your majesty.�
�Excuse me, I must talk to her.  Follow me Tefnut.�  I bowed my head and fell in step behind the king.  Once we reached his private room, he turned around and pulled me against him.  �I can�t keep my love from you.�
�You must though.�
�I don�t want to.�  He kissed me, soft and slow.  I pulled back and looked at him.
�What if she finds out?  She would surely kill me.�
�I wouldn�t allow it.�
�She would do it no matter what, she is Neffertiti, Goddess of All.�
�She wouldn�t harm you.�  I walked towards the door and glanced back.
�Yes she would.�  ~*~*~*

I woke up, dazed and confused.  I glanced around my room, wondering where that dream came from.  �Listening to Kevin,� I thought to myself.  I shook my head and climbed out of bed.  I walked downstairs to find Howie at the table, drinking a cup of coffee.
�Good morning baby,� I said, giving him a kiss on the cheek.
�You were talking in your sleep.�  I looked at him and he looked pissed off.
�You were talking about loving someone else.�
�Who were you dreaming about?�
�You wouldn�t believe me if I told you.�
�Try me.  At least put my mind to ease that it wasn�t another guy.�
�Howard, I love only you, you should know that.  Anyway, the dream dealt with us being in Ancient Egypt and you were the Pharaoh.�
�Hmm, I like that dream,� he said, laughing.
�I thought you would.�  I gave him another kiss and got a glass of juice.  �Are we going to get that necklace checked out?�
�Yeah.  I called up and there�s a shop on the edge of town that would check it out for us.�
�Perfect.  Thank you baby.  I�m going to jump on the shower and get ready, okay?�

I entered the shop and glanced around.  There was a bunch of old pots, old tablets and a bunch of other stuff. 
�Are you here about the necklace?�  I glanced at the older man and smiled.
�Yeah.  I just need to know how much it�s wroth.�
�I can figure that out as well.�  I walked over to him and placed the necklace in his hands.  He examined it and frowned.  �Where did you get this from?�
�My grandmother.  It�s a family heirloom.�
�Did you family live in Egypt?�
�No, why?�
�This is Egyptian.  In fact, this is Egyptian on the back of this Ruby.�  I glanced at Howie and than back to the man.
�How could I get it?�
�There�s a story behind this.�
�What story?�
Sands Of Time
By: Resa Dorough (thanks to Terri for the title)
Take me home
Sands Of Time
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