I bid my good byes a few hours later, my heart not standing to be around her.  Her laugh brought back so many good times, her smile brought back the sun into my life.  I sighed as I finally got into my house.  AJ walked in behind me, shutting the door behind him.
�What happened between you two Howie?�  I shrugged my jacket off and placed in the closet.
�You know, I don�t know.  I came home one day and saw a few boxes.  I asked Theresa what she was doing and she uttered four words, nothing more.  She said, �I�m leaving you, Howie.�  In those few seconds, my world crashed down around me.�
�She must have given you a reason.�
�She said that she had spent 10 years of her life doing nothing.  She thought that I wasn�t being the man I needed to be.  I wasn�t home all the time, but she understood that.  Neither was she herself.�
�Did she leave because you left?�
�I don�t know.  I loved her, and I felt that�s all she needed.  I showed it to her.  Didn�t smother, but she knew I cared.  And I honestly thought she felt the same.  That�s why it�s more of a shock to me than to anyone else.�
�You need to talk to her.  The love is still there.�
�Oh, the love will always be there AJ.  There�s no doubt.  But I think she wants more than I can give her, and I honestly don�t think she�s willing to try again.�  AJ nodded and stood up.
�I�ll call you later man.�  I nodded and walked him to the door, closing it softly.  �Yeah, make up a story you fool.  You know she left because you weren�t there for her.  She needed you and you were out with your music,� my mind yelled at me.  I closed my eyes and strolled over to my desk, removing a couple sheets of paper.

~*~ I'm not suppose to love you anymore/ I shouldn't care or wonder where or how you are/ But I can't hide this hurt inside my broken heart/ I'm fighting back emotions I've never fought before/ 'Cause I'm not suppose to love you anymore ~*~ 

My darling angel, I started.  I shook my head and crumpled up the paper. 
My sweet love, I began.  Once again, I groaned and tossed the paper aside.
Theresa, a simple beginning.  I smiled and soon the thoughts were floating.

Seeing you today brought back many memories.  Some bad and some good.  You told me to move on, and in a sense, I have.  I no longer stare out the window, awaiting your return.  I no longer linger by the phone waiting for that special call.  And I no longer hold your pillow close.  Just today, this very morning, I slipped that gold band off my finger and placed in a place I will never look for it.  I can only suggest you do the same.
AJ has asked me tonight why you left.  You see, I never told them why.  Nor, I figured, you hadn�t either.  For whatever reasons you held, you didn�t say it.  For me, it was cause I let you go.  An angel, my angel, my Goddess, had slipped through my fingers.  All because I was stupid.  I let you go and I know there aren�t enough ways to say I�m sorry.
I tried it once, and failed.  So I shall not try again.  What I�m actually writing to is this.  I�m not asking you back, nor asking your forgiveness.  But I want you to remember one simple factor.  I love you, Theresa.  Loved you with all my heart, my soul, with all my being.  I once believed that was enough for you, but I guess I thought wrong.  And though I shouldn�t say it, I love you.  Will forever love you.
These outings as a group can be hard, yet it will get easier with time.  I shall keep my distance if you wish.  Or if I feel I have to.  Alas, it does hurt.  It will forever hurt. 

   Your�s Forever,

~*~ I'm fighting back emotions/ I've never fought before/ 'Cause I'm not suppose to love you anymore ~*~

I sealed the envelope and quickly drove over to her house.  I walked out of the car and placed the letter on her front porch.  Soon enough she would see it.  I smiled and slowly walked back to my car.  I had to let her go.  Had to move on.  Six months ago, with the slamming of the door, I told myself that I was not supposed to love you. 

~ Not Supposed To Love You by Clay Aiken
Not Supposed To Love You
By: Resa Dorough
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