�And sometimes ya just don�t get what you want.�  I shook my head at her and gazed out over the hills. 
�Jane could be right Rachel.�
�Why I agree with Rachel, Annie.  I mean, they want to stay, we at least have to know who they are.�
�We have names Christina.�
�That�s not enough Jane!  They have jobs, like every other man, and I want to know, I mean, I�m gonna demand to know.�  I glanced at Christina and started laughing.  �What?�
�We�re arguin� over men.  We don�t need to be doin� that.�  They glanced at me and they too started laughing.

I wiped the table clean and glanced up as the door opened.
�Howdy ma�am.�  I nodded my head at Kevin as he sat down at the table. 
�Would you like something sugar?�
�Just some tea ma�am.�
�Kevin, darlin�, ya ain�t gotta call us ma�am.  We have names, those will be just fine.�  I smiled as I poured him a glass.  He nodded his head as I handed it to him and went back to cleaning.
�Rachel, what can you tell me about the Cowboys.�  I frowned up at him and stopped cleaning.
�Why, that all depends on what you want to know.  Why?�
�Just askin�.  You know them pretty well?�  I thought for a moment.
�Well, not good enough I suppose.  They�re just customers.  But I know a thing or two about Ringo.  And Annie knows a thing or two about Curly Bill.  As for other gals, I�m not to sure.�
�They ever mention their plans?�  I glanced at him and narrowed my eyes.
�I�ll answer that if you answer mine Kevin.  Why are you askin� me these questions?�
�Just curious.  I don�t like them.�
�Not too many men do.�  I put the last of the dishes away and walked over to Kevin.  I leaned down and looked him in the eye.  �But that ain�t the right answer, you and I both know it.  I might be a lousy whore Kevin, but I ain�t stupid.  I can read people pretty damn well and that piss ant answer won�t work.  You�re gonna ask questions, we�re gonna ask you some too.  Tell your boys that.�  I winked at him and walked out of the room, bumping into Annie as she walked in.
�You okay Rachel?�
�Don�t tell him anything hon, without askin� him somethin� first.  They have questions and want to know somethin�.  But damnit, so do we and we�ll find our answers just as well.�  She nodded her head and I went on my way.

�Jane?�  She quickly turned around and smiled at Brian.
�Hey there mister.�  He blushed and gazed up at the stars.
�Like it out here, don�t ya?�  She shrugged but went on looking.  He took the chance and looked her over, thinking that she would fit quite snug against his body.  He took a breath and smiled at her.  �The other girls, are they all older?�
�Yeah.  Annie is the oldest by a year.   Than Christina, followed by Rachel, than by Mary.  Christina is a year younger, Rachel is about six months.  Um, I believe Mary is about six months off from Rachel and I�m nine months exactly.�
�Not bad, a knit family.�  She smiled at him and nodded her head.  He took another breath.  �Jane, how well do you know the Cowboys?�  She shrugged but didn�t answer him.  He waited for a few more moments before he touched her arm.
�Brian, what do you want me to tell you?  Why are you, and every other man askin� about them.  They ain�t down nothin� to ya�ll so, give, what�s goin� on?�
�We said no questions.�
�And you told me you�d bear you�ll soul.  So was that just a line sir?�  Jane turned her attention to him and rose an eyebrow.  He sighed and shook his head.  �We ain�t gonna sell out some customers for some higher payin� men.  Keep that in mind sir.�  She flicked her hair across her shoulder and marched back into the house, slamming the door behind her.

�I need to send a telegram.�  The young man behind the desk nodded his head.
�Go on sir.�
�To the President�s secretary sir.�  The young man only nodded his head and grabbed the pen and paper.  �Say the job is proving to be rather hard and are sufferin� some delays.  Howie�.� 
�No problem sir.  That�s gonna be $4.50, sir.�  Howie smiled and handed him the money.  He walked out the doors and nodded at his men. 
�Why are they so tough to break?�  Four pair of eyes turned and looked at Nick.
�My guess, they don�t trust anyone,� Alex said, catching his bottom lip between his teeth.  �They know they�re in a business that�s rather difficult.�
�And anyone can come in and smoke them out, make them not trust anyone,� Brian added.
�You think they know anythin� about these men?�
�They have to know somethin� Nick.  Those men are regulars.�
�Doesn�t really mean they know anythin� though.  I mean, you get a guy near a whore, what you think that man is thinkin� about?�
�What�s buggin� me is they ain�t sayin� nothin�.�
�With all due understandin� Kevin.  We walked into that place askin� for a hot meal and no questions.  Yet we askin� like all kinds.  Surely, that�s got to get to them.�  Kevin nodded his head, agreeing with what Brian had stated.  Howie took in the small town, seeing a wagon pulling up and seeing a few actors getting out.
�What if we used them?�  The four other heads turned and glanced at him, seeing his gaze and following it.
�What are you sayin� Howie?�
�I mean Nick, what if we show them what true ladies they are.  We all know we wouldn�t mind seeing them out of this business.  But if we can prove we�re true gentlemen, they would trust us with any information.�
�And if they find out just how��
�They won�t find out Kevin, they just can�t find out.  But I remember someone mention that stage of actors was comin�, let�s treat them tonight.�  The five guys finally agreed, yet reluctant.

I felt the small shawl removed from my shoulders and smiled back at Howie.  He smiled and held the seat out for me.
�Thank you sir,� I said, claiming the seat.
�Welcome ma�am.�
�Well, hello there Ms. Rachel.�  I turned around in my seat and saw a longtime old friend.
�Why, Doc Holliday.  Just what are you doin� in Tombstone?� I asked, holding out my hand.  He took it and placed a gentle kiss on the back of it.
�Stayin�, seein� if helps any.�
�Well, I can pray it does.  Kate, lookin� lovely darlin�.�
Journey Of The Heart
By: Resa Dorough (thanks to Terri for the title)
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