�Might be wise darlin�, just might be wise.�  They all smiled and walked out the room, closing the door behind them.  �That wasn�t Rachel.  I don�t know who that is, but that ain�t our friend.�
�Annie, that has to be her.�
�I�m tellin� you, sister, it ain�t her.  I have no pissin� clue who that is, but I�ll be damned if that�s our Rachel.  Now, Jane, Mary, go finish getting ready.  The Cowboys are probably drunk enough to come at any moment.�  Annie sighed and walked down to her room, closing the door quietly behind her.  She glanced out the window, watching the moon play across the sand.

I awoke to someone knocking on the door.  I groaned and rolled back underneath the covers, wishing the person would just go away. 
�Rachel.�  I sighed, flung the covers back and walked over to the door, opening it to see a young man standing there.  �Let me in.�  I glanced at him, than out to the hall, hearing that faint laughter.  I sighed, but moved aside.  �The other girls told me you didn�t seem yourself.  And you don�t certainly look like yourself.�
�Just what do you mean?  I look perfectly like myself.  Just don�t feel like myself.�  He shook his head but sat down on the chair by the desk.  I glanced it and frowned, wondering when that came.
�Lay down hon.�  I shot him a look and he rolled his eyes.  �I�m not gonna sleep with you when you feel bad.  Sides, we�ll be in town quite a while.�  I nodded my head and crawled back into bed, sensing him following me.  I tried to pull the covers up, yet he grabbed them.  I cringed as I felt the bed move and him slide against me, his arm holding me against his body.  �I�m not gonna let them thing I just left and not did anything to you.�  I stiffened in his arms.  �Though I�m not woman.  You have my word.�  I tried to recall if Johnny was ever nice, though I couldn�t.  Just knew he was smart, and fast with his gun.  His hand traveled up and cupped one breast.  I gasped as I felt his hand close around it, yet he just stated again, he wouldn�t do anything.  I forced myself to stop acting like a young virgin and gave into the sleep that was once again, claiming me.

I rolled myself out of the bed and gazed at the sunlight streaming into the room.  I glanced around, feeling the problem coming back to haunt me.  I was stuck in 1880 and not a friend.  Well, if you could count the Wild Gals, but I hardly knew them!  I rolled my eyes and got out of bed, pulling a robe on.  I opened the door and saw Annie coming out of her room, an odd expression on her face.
�What�s wrong?�
�I just had a dream hon.  Rather strange one.  Did Ringo go up to see you last night?�
�Yes he did actually.�
�Did he do anything to you darlin�?�
�No Annie.  He just slept with me.�
�Yeah, Ringo.�  She snorted and rolled her eyes.  �He ain�t that type of man.�  I followed her down the stairs and into the kitchen, smiling as Jane got a cup of coffee.
�Feelin� better Rachel hon?�
�Yes, quite, thank you.�
�You look better.  Good thing Ringo didn�t touch you last night.�
�He was the first to leave this morning.�
�Right.� I sat down in the chair and looked out the window.
"Christina should be right down darlin�.  Rachel?" I tore my gaze from the desert and smiled at Jane. "Christina should be right down. Remember you were supposed to met up with her to go to the drug store." I took a sip of the coffee and frowned.
"For what?"
"Vinegar darlin�. We�re almost out."
"And why do we need Vinegar?" Annie cast me a look and Jane just shook her head.
"So we don�t get pregnant. Did you forget the tricks of the trade?"  I shook my head, hiding my frown behind my coffee cup. "Anyway, she�ll be right down, so you might want to change."
"Of course." I sat my cup down on the table and turned to leave the room.
"Who is that?" Annie shook her head at the simple question, her dream still plaguing her. "Annie?" Her head snapped up, yet the eyes that locked with Jane�s was not the same. "You need to lay down as well hon. You look just as pale as Rachel did yesterday."
"Thanks darlin�." Annie rolled her eyes, but took her leave. �It wasn;t just the dream, I don�t feel like myself at all. And Rachel, looks more like Theresa.� Annie stopped right before Rachel�s door and knocked softly. At the answer, she walked in. I turned and smiled at her, trying to wiggle my way into the dress. "A corset might be helpful."
"Oh, yes, thanks." I watched Annie as she stepped into the room.
"When you were on the floor, did you have a dream?"
"Like what type of dream?"
"Like your body wasn�t your body anymore. Like you just didn�t feel like yourself anymore?" I watched her, her eyes pleading with mine.
"You�re not Annie anymore. It�s quite plain. And if I didn�t know any better, I would almost say you were a young lady I used to know by the name of Terri."  Her eyes perked up and I smiled. So the same thing happened. "Help me finish getting dressed Ms. Annie. I need to met up with Christina."  She sat her cup on the desk and pulled the corset on, tying the strings and helping me with the gown. I smiled my thanks, slipped the boots on and left my room.

"Rachel?" Annie turned around and glanced at Mary. "Oh, hi Annie. Did Rachel already leave."
"Just a few minutes ago hon. Heard the front door close. What�s wrong darlin�?"
"Nothing of course." Annie gazed at her younger sister, her eyes locking with hers. "You don�t look the same Annie."
"And neither do you Mary. In fact, you look like��
"As do you."  They both sighed, feeling different yet the same. "Maybe Rachel feels the same way?"
"Could just be. But I�m still tired so I think I�m gonna head back to that nice warm bed I left this morning."
"Did he pay you finally?"
"Damn piss ant that he is. Yes, paid me the 100 dollar that owes me. He wasn�t happy, but he had the money. Just got done robbin� some old fool." Annie smiled, flicked a wink at her younger sister and left, a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth.

�Good morin� Ms. Christina, Ms. Rachel.�
�Mornin� Mr. Jacob.�
�You ladies off to the drug store?�
�Yes sir.  Quite a lovely day, huh Mr. Jacob?�
�Yes ma�am it surely is.  Ya know, I have a small question for ya�ll.  How is that such lovely young belles such as yourselves are in that there business?  Why, I�m almost certain ya�ll could land any man you wanted.�  Christina laughed and I simply smiled.
Journey Of The Heart
By: Resa Dorough (thanks to Terri for the title)
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