�We slept, but never passed out.�  I looked at Terri.  �Girl, are you sure you�re okay?�
�Damn it, I�m fine.�  I looked around the room, spotting a book by the bed.  I went to it and slowly lifted it up, holding it gently. 
�What�s that?� Jennifer asked.  I looked at her and shrugged.
�Well, read it.�  I laughed at Megan and opened the first page, scanning the contents.

~^~ We heard the rumors once we hit the town.  The Wild Gals were killed in the small house behind their main hotel.  The town, of course, is happy.  Yet our hearts are in pain, we�re in pain.  We loved them, all of us.  U.S. Marshals aren�t nothin� if we don�t have women to come home too.  None of us were lyin� when we said we wanted them.  We buried their bodies in a lot near the hotel.  The town of course didn�t want that, but they couldn�t stop us.  I must bid this goodbye, it�s much to painful.  >Nick< ~^~

I looked up and at the ladies.  They all glanced around, eyes finally falling on Megan.
�There�s other  pages.�  I cleared my voice.

~^~ We found the notes.  They loved us.  Though, still sad, we�re thrilled.  We�re riding out shortly, nothin� left in Tombstone for us.  Though, Howie still won�t let anyone read his letter, said it was much to personal.  We�re hoping that he finds what he�s lookin� for.  After that, we leave.  >Kevin<  ~^~

�There�s a whole lot more to these, but this one is the final one, it�s by Howard.�

~^~ She was pregnant and she died givin� birth to our baby girl.  Angel, that�s what someone called her.  I�m guessin� ike found her and got help.  I went searchin� for Angel, she�s so pretty.  I put her in a good home.  I just hope no one mentions her mother.  Not that I�m ashamed of the woman I loved�love.  She was a strong will woman and it amazes me that she died givin� birth, but I don�t want Angel to be ashamed.  I hope someday I can come back to Tombstone and see her.  Gotta ride out now >Howard< ~^~

I closed the book and looked out the window.
�It�s all so real.�
�It�s history, Megan,� I said, smiling at her.
�I know.  But, all this is proof.  It�s just amazing.�
�I know we were meant to be friends,� Shannon said, laughing as we walked out of the house.
�Let�s get something to eat.�  I nodded my head, agreeing with Jennifer.

�It�s a historical place, Kevin.�  Howie rolled his eyes and AJ laughed.
�What�s with him and all these history places?� AJ asked, whispering it to Howie.
�How should I know?�
�Don�t you guys think this stuff is clue.  I mean, these places once existed.�
�They still do, Nick.�
�I know, Kevin.  But, these cities thrived back in the old west.  And Tombstone is still the same, maybe just a tad bit more modern.�  Once again, Howie rolled his eyes.  They walked down one road, taking I the surrounding buildings.
�Damn, Tombstone was small,� Brian said, chuckling to himself.  Howie stopped walking, watching as a group of girls came out of the nearest bar.

I laughed as Megan said something and turned to look down the street.  I looked around, feeling a pair of eyes on me.  My eyes locked with his, throwing me back into a time period that I knew little about.  My heart quickened and I felt someone touching my arm, but my gaze would never leave his.  He smiled and I felt my lips turn up.
�Theresa?�  Someone waved their hand in front of my face and I turned my gaze on them.
�What Terri?�
�Do you know that guy?�  I looked back at him and nodded my head.
�Know that book I was reading?  Written by those guys.�  The girls turned and looked, not believing what I was telling them.  �Trust me.�  The shook their heads and started pulling my arm but Howie walked over and grabbed my arm.
�Rachel?�  The girls dropped my arm and started at Howie.
�In a sense.  Theresa now.  But, yeah, I once was Rachel.�  He smiled and grabbed my hand, placing a kiss there.
�Theresa is just as nice.�
�Come on, Howie,� Nick called out.
�Stop by the place.  It�s mine once again.�  He nodded his head and ran to catch up with the rest of the guys.

I opened the door and smiled at the guys as they walked in.
�Kevin, pleasure.  Nick, AJ, Brian, welcome.  My friends, Terri, Megan, Christina, and Jennifer.�  They smiled and walked into the saloon, talking a long the way.  �Hello, Howie.�
�Hello.�  He walked in and smiled.  �You haven�t changed it.�
�Just got it.  But, no, I�m gonna keep it the same.�  He nodded his head and turned and faced me.
�Is it odd that we know each other?�
�For them,� I said, nodding my head in the direction of the saloon, �but not for me, for us.�
�So, than it won�t sound odd for me to be saying that I love you.�  He wrapped his arms around my waist.
�Oh God no.  In fact, I think I�ve been waiting years for that.  I love you too.�  He softly pressed his lips against mine and smiled.
�And how did you know it was me on that road?�  I smiled to myself and kissed him once again.
�There�s always a road for love.�
�Really?�  I simply nodded my head and felt him press a kiss to my forehead.  �And what is it called?�
�Journey of the heart.�
Journey Of The Heart
By: Resa Dorough (thanks to Terri for the title)
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