�I think you like more than the town.�
�I like you.�
�I like you too.  You have your moments at least.�  He laughed and turned his attention back to the horizon.
�Every think about leavin�?�
�Leavin� the town or my business?�
�Both I guess.�
�Leavin� the business, it�s hard.  I have to make a livin� some how and for a woman, this is it.  Here in town, no man wants me.  They all know what I do, what I�ve done.  Some odd reason, the men here have a strange code about themselves.  As for the town, I like Tombstone.  It�s a quiet little town and even though there�s hardly any law, I still love it.  Why you askin� cowboy?�  He shrugged but turned his attention back to me.  I smiled at him.
�Just askin�.  Wonderin�, I suppose.�
�Somethin� on your mind.�
�Yeah.  I�ll be honest.  I was sent to Tombstone to do a job ma�am.�
�I�m takin� a guess, but somethin� to do with the Cowboys.�
�How did you know?�
�You askin� about them and you dislike them.  Don�t take a genius to figure somethin� is up.�
�You�re right.  But, I don�t think I was suppose to met you and fall under your spell.�  I shrugged this time and grabbed his hand.
�Trust me cowboy, you ain�t the only one.�  He smiled as I yanked him up and led him to my room.

�God damn it Rachel, open this fuckin� door right now.�  I yawned and shoved against the chest I was laying upon.
�Hold on, Annie.�  I removed myself from his arms and grabbed my robe.  I yanked the door open, tying the sash around my waist.  �What is wrong.�
�We have trouble.  Lots of trouble.� I frowned and shook my head.
�Trouble with who.�
�The Cowboys have called out the Earps.  They�re waitin� for the law men at the O.K. Corral.� 
�They mean to fight them.  The Cowboys won�t win.�
�We know that but them boys don�t.�
�Who�s all callin� them out?�
�Ike, Billy.�
�Bill or Johnny?�
�Last I heard no, but I don�t know.�
�Do down, talk some sense into those men.  I�m gonna find Wyatt and try to get to him.  And send someone to Ringo, tell him he needs to stop actin� so damn immature.�
�Yes Rachel.�  I sighed and closed the door as she left.
�As always.�  I yanked off my robe and pulled my dress on.  I sighed yet again and shook me head, letting Howie button up my dress.
�Wanna talk.�
�Don�t have time to talk.  Listen, just stay here, I gotta stop somethin� before anythin� happens.  And please don�t get into trouble.�  I softly kissed his lips and walked out of my room, yanking my boots on as I left.  Howie walked downstairs, seeing Kevin and Brian sitting at the kitchen table.
�Send Nick and Alex to round up the Cowboys at the O.K. Corral.  And we�ll go find Ringo.  I�m sending them out today.�
�Rachel gonna know.�
�Like they don�t know already?� 
�I swear, I didn�t say a word Howie.� 
�I know you didn�t Kevin.  But I know the others did.  I was about too last night, just didn�t have the heart to.�
�Of course, not with they way she was��  Howie glared at Kevin and Brian laughed.
�Let�s head out.�

I ran along the walk away and stood outside the jail.
�Ya�ll are gonna either get yourselves killed or hurt.  Stop this.�
�They�re breakin� the law Rachel.�
�I know that Virgil.  You think I don�t.  But I know those men.  They�re serious and they�re out for blood, ya�lls blood.�
�Rachel, this ain�t got nothin� to do with you.�
�It has everythin� to do with me Wyatt.  You and Doc are amongst my best friends.  And the same for Virg and Morgan.  You think I�m just gonna lay low and let them hurt you?�
�You don�t have a choice woman.�
�Wyatt, please, I�m askin� you not to do this.�
�Rachel, go on and leave.  We have to arrest them.� 
�You think just cause I�m a woman I have no brain to understand just how badly this will go down, but I know.  You�re askin� for Hell gentleman.  And when it comes, don�t say nothin� to me.  I�m warnin� ya�ll just this once.�
�Rachel, darlin�, leave.�  I glared at Doc one last time and stormed right back down the street.  I waved to Jane as she ran over to me, grabbing my arm.
�We gotta reach Ringo, tell him to get his men and leave.�
�He won�t go.�
�He will if I beg.�
�Rachel, we have to talk.�  I stopped dead in my tracks as I stared at Howie, Kevin and Brian holding Billy and Johnny in custody.
�What is goin� on?�
�We�re bringin� them to our boss.�
�Which is who?� I demanded out of Howie.
�The President of the United States.�
�That means��
�They�re U.S. Marshals.�  I glared at Howie.
�I swear I was gonna tell you.�
�Just when?  After you fucked me or before?�  I turned on my heel and left him standin� there.  �Round up the girls.�
�Rachel, I swear, I was gonna say��
�Round up the girls Jane.  If the Cowboys hurt my friends today, I�m goin� after them.  And I will either do it with or without your help.�
�Yes ma�am.�
Journey Of The Heart
By: Resa Dorough (thanks to Terri for the title)
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