�You know, I have a feeling that something is going to go down,� Megan said.
�Like what?� I asked, sitting down next to Nick.
�I�m not sure.�
�I think, Megan, you�re trippin�.�
�What�s going on?� AJ asked, sitting on the other side of Megan.
�You�re girl has gone crazy,� I said laughing at her.  I scanned the room, noticing very few faces.  I felt someone hit my side and I looked at Megan.  My eyes followed her direction and I understood.  There was Britney Spears.  I rolled my eyes and saw that everyone saw her.  It was funny, after what she said, Trinity completely hated her.  In an interview for a magazine that came out this afternoon, she said she despised us.  That we were simply riding on BSB�s success.  That if it wasn�t for us dating them, Trinity would have become nothing.  She also stated that we had no real talent.  Maybe playing, but not singing.  And we didn�t write our own songs, did nothing but remakes.  Um, HELLO, who�s saying this?  Remake Queen herself, right?  She also claimed we had no class.  Now, if that was the case, we would have came right out and said that those girls were total bitches who couldn�t sing for shit.  The only way they sell shit is by sex.  But, Trinity had class.  I shook my head.  Some people!  I mean, what right did she have to slander us like that?  At least we respected them, you know?  She was in the wrong, and most people knew it.  Whatever though.  That was this business.  Some people liked you, some didn�t.  And at least Eminem hadn�t said anything about us.
�Can you believe her?� Shannon asked.
�She just thinks she�s better than everyone,� Terri said.
�I know. But she�s such a fuckin� bitch.�
�Who are you talkin� about?� Jennifer asked, walking up to us on Kevin�s arm.
�Britney had the nerve to come here,� I said, rolling my eyes.
�She didn�t know you would be here.  And this is sorta open to whomever,� Howie said.
�D, don�t talk,� I said, giving him a look.
�Did I miss something?� he asked Kevin.
�She said some shit about Trinity,� Kevin answered him.
�Oh great, good going.  Whatever you do Resa, don�t start any fights, please for me baby?�
�I don�t start them, I finish them.  All of a sudden, I feel like a drink, ladies?�  Shannon and Jennifer both followed me to the bar.  �How dare some people man?  What did we do to her for her to say that shit?� I asked, once we reached the bar.  �Sex on the Beach please?� 
�Make that two more,� Jennifer said.
�I don�t know Resa.  She�s a bitch as it is.  We all knew this.�
�I swear, if she says something or does something, or even looks at us wrong, I will make sure her face ain�t that pretty for this upcoming tour she has.�
�I think we would all pounce on her,� Jennifer said.
�You, miss �I don�t believe in violence�?� I asked.
�You can push a person so far,� she said, laughing.  We laughed and just talked for a few moments when someone else walked in, Jennifer Lopez.  I watched as she walked in and groaned.
�I know for sure I�m getting in a fight tonight.�
�I thought you weren�t going to make D choose?� Shannon asked.
�Oh, I won�t make him choose.  I don�t mind her being his friend, but the last time me and her ran into each other, things did not go all to smoothly and she told me some shit and I said something.  We both knew the next time we ran into each other, we would fight,� I said, gulping down my drink.
�Why must it always come down to this with you?� Jennifer asked.  I glared at her and walked back to the table.  I tapped Megan on the shoulder and pointed J.Lo out.  Megan rolled her eyes and shook her head.

We sat at the table, laughing our asses off.  Brian and Nick were cracking jokes like all kinds of people in the entertainment field.  I glanced at Howie as he sat talking to Jennifer at the bar.  She glanced at me and smirked.  I glared at her and felt Shannon touch my arm.
�Don�t look at her and she won�t get to you,� she said.
�I know that.  It�s just, rather annoying.�
�As it would be for anyone.  I want something else, let�s hit the bar.�  We excused ourselves and went to the bar.  We ordered our drinks and talked to each other.  I signaled her to stop and I turned my head enough to see Britney out of the corner of my eye.
�They�re just so annoying. Yeah, I saw them when I walked in.  They started this fight between us.  They didn�t have to say anything. So, they were asked a question, you can so no comment.�  She took a sip of her drink and nodded her head.  �Oh, and that, what is her name, Resa, how stupider can you get?  I mean, come on.  And Megan, now why would she be in love with AJ.  He�s a freak.�  I turned to Shannon.
�Go get the girls, we�re going to finish this.�
�And I mean, Howie.  One, Howie can do a lot better than some dumb ass bitch who can�t sing and has the worst attitude.  Everyone knows she�s slept around with Hayden.  And Shannon?  Talk about a fake.  I mean, good Lord, everything about her.  Her hair, her talent, herself.  Oh and that stupid one, Nick.  Terri is like 50 years older than him.  He can do way better.  I mean, come on, look at her, she screams ugh!�  I tapped her on the shoulder and I saw the person she was talking to go pale.  �What Linda?�
�You know, why not say that to our face Spears?� I asked.  She quickly turned around and saw all of us.
�What is this, a gang bang?�
�Not quite bitch,� Shannon said.
�Sides, if this was a gang bang, you would have a cap in your ass right now,� Megan said.
�Get off yourself Brit. You ain�t all that, and you damn well know.  You fake ass, lying bitch can�t get a good man, slut,� Terri said.
�You guys can�t talk to me like that,� she whined.
�What, don�t like it when people talk to you like that?� Jennifer asked.  �At least we have the fuckin� class to say it your face instead of being some fuckin� scared ass bitch and saying it behind your back.�
�You guys are really mean!�  We stared at her and looked at each other.
�Blondes!  Britney, what we said in the Rolling Stones magazine was not supposed to be taking to heart.  We meant it in the best way.  But, see what you�ve done and caused.  Now, we hear anything else, and I mean, you say anything else about us, or our boyfriends, I will personally put a cap in your ass.   And yes, that is a threat,� I said.  �Now, take you and your friend, and go away.�  We all gave her a quick smile and walked back to the table.
�You guys are bad,� Brian said, laughing.

I glanced at my cell phone and saw it heading on three.  I yawned and glanced at the girls.
�Man, are we ready to leave?� I asked.  They nodded their heads, already to fall asleep.  I got up and walked over to Howie.  I tapped his shoulder and he turned around.  He placed his arm around my waist and I leaned against him.  �Are you ready to go baby?  The girls and I are like falling asleep.�
I Will Survive
By: Resa Dorough
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I Will Survive
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