�Love!  It�s stupid.  Like Scurage used to say whenever Christmas cam around.  �Bah! Humbug!�  I don�t believe in love anymore.  Not in family love, or in friends love, or even in relationship love.  I guess you guys are wondering why I feel like this?  Trust me, I have legit reasons.  First and foremost, my mother died when I was young.  My father always told me it was just going t be us.  No one else would come in between.  And for so long, it was.  Everything was great, and every night before I went to sleep, he would tell me the same thing.  And shortly after I turned 16, my father told me that he was seeing this lady who was really special and really sweet and they were getting married.  Of course I freaked!  Who wouldn�t?  But, I dealt with it.  And so, in January, 6 months after my date of birth, they were getting married.  And from there, my life would change.  I had a step mom who believed in being the biggest pain in the ass.  So much for ignoring her.  After school, I would come and there she would be, hounding me.  I asked my father if I could get a job and he would say no, there was no need.  And don�t think for a minute that I was a spoiled brat, because I wasn�t.  And then my father stopped hanging out with me.  he had more important things to do. I was lonely, my father had ditched me.  And on the day I turned 18, I got a note from my father.  He stated that in 48 hours they were going to sell the house and I had to move out.  I remember crying that night.  My father wasn�t even there on my 18th birthday.  So, I moved out and disowned my father.
And I grew up.  Had my life in order and everything was just right.  Had the man of my dreams and my best friend who was so cool.  Life couldn�t get any better, that�s what I always thought.  No, life get�s worse and it did.  I remember the night I was working late.  I called my man to tell him that I wasn�t going out with him tonight and he felt bad but said we would go out tomorrow.  I felt bad, so after work, I went to the store and got some whip cream, ice cream and cherries and for those sick minded people, no I wasn�t going to play with those.  My man liked that stuff, so I thought it was a nice treat.  And sure enough, I pulled up to his house and saw nothing.  I quietly unlocked the door and looked around.  Seeing nothing, I put the stuff away and walked up the stairs.  I thought I heard voices coming from his room, but just paid it off to my imagination.  And then, I opened his door and froze.  I mean, I wasn�t even breathing.  In his bed was him and my best friend.  Well, now ex best friend.  I was  pissed, I was furious and I was hurt yet again.  I couldn�t believe it.  I just looked at them, both trying to get on some kind of clothes and just laughed.  Here I was thinking, my life was going good and what happened? Bull shit is what happened.  I remember telling my friend that she could have him, I didn�t want him and I wanted nothing to do with her.  I slammed the door and stormed out of the house.  Went back to my place packed my things and ended up here, in Las Vegas.  Moved from New York to Las Vegas.  And you know, looking back on things, it was for the better.  Las Vegas has more to offer me in my line of work then what New York did.  I smiled and just nodded my head.�
�Theresa, you have someone named Paul on line 1 and someone named Shelly on line 2.  Oh, and Kevin from the Backstreet Boys is on line 3.�  I rolled my eyes but thanked my secretary all the more.
�Hello, I.C.E. magazine, Theresa here, how can I help you?�
�Do you know I�ve been trying to find you for the last two years.�
�No, don�t contact me.  Just forget it.  I can�t believe you even tried.  Oh, just shut up.�  I hung up the phone on him and on the person on line two.  It was my ex best friend.  �Hello Kevin, it�s Theresa.�
�Oh, hey girl.  Look, what�s going down with you?�
�What do you mean?�
�What do I mean?  I mean we hit town in like two days, you never asked for an interview or anything and we�re going to be staying there for quite a while.�
�It�s already the end of your tour?�
�Oh my God.  I�ve had so much going on, I haven�t even thought about it.  So, I guess you�re pretty busy?�
�Please.  We�ve been waiting for you to call, so we haven�t booked anything yet.�
�Oh gosh, sure, just come down here whenever you guys want and I�ll think of something to ask.�
�Or how about you come out with all of us guys and girls.  You seem stressed out and we don�t want that.�  I just laughed and nodded my head.
�Sure, if you guys want to take me out, you guys know where to find me.�
�Great.  And since you know what we like, book us some rooms, please?�
�Richardson!  That�s just going to cost you now.�
�Whatever you say Theresa.  Later girl!�
�Later.�  I hung up my phone and picked up my planner.  I called the best hotel and set up a couple of rooms for the guys.  Why I was doing it, I�m not sure, but I�m sure they would tell me when the hit town.  I saved what I was working on and closed down my computer.  I grabbed my purse and suitcase and walked out the door.
�Raquel, save all calls for me, tell them I�ll be back in tomorrow, I�m going home for some urgent business.�
�Yes ma�am.�
�Oh, and if a Paul and Shelly call from New York, tell them to fuck off.�
�Um, yes ma�am.�  I just smiled and strolled toward to the elevator.  I hit the lobby button and down I went.  I left and went in search of my car.  A nice little car.  A Porche!   I got in and went straight home.  And once I reached home, I was all the more happy.  I loved being in my house.  It was huge and right on the outskirts of Las Vegas.  I set my stuff down and went straight to my kitchen.  I grabbed some water and headed up stairs.  Sitting down on my bed, I flipped on the TV and took my shoes off.  Okay, so there wasn�t urgent business at my house.  But I need to go home.  I had things to do here. Sleep, being the most important.  I groaned when I heard someone knocking on my door.  I got up off the bed and walked down stairs.  I opened it and gasped.
�Oh my God.  But, how did you get here?  I just talked to Kevin.�
�That was Kevin.�  I smiled and gave him a huge hug. 
�Come on in.�  I opened the door wider and let him in.  He smiled and sat down on the couch. 
�I wasn�t bothering you was I?�
�Nah, just reaxlin�.�
�Good.�  He patted the seat next to his and I sat down.  His arm snaked around my shoulders and I laid my head on his shoulder.  His lips grazed the top of my head and I felt his other hand sliding up my leg.  �I missed you.�  I just smiled and looked up at him.
�So I can tell Howie.�  He smirked and picked me up in his arms.  He carried me upstairs to my room and laid me on the bed.  He laid on me and slowly unbuttoned my blouse.  I left my fingers just softly run up and down his back.  His lips grazed my neck and my chest.  I felt him take the blouse off and reached behind me to remove the bra.  And once he did, his lips covered every area that was open to his eyes.  I felt his tongue snake out and stroke an already to sensitive nipple.  His hands went to my back and unzipped my skirt.  He moved down my legs and just smiled up at me.  I bit my bottom lip and smiled back.  His hands removed my stockings and I couldn�t help but frown.
I'll Never Break Your Heart
By: Resa Dorough
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