�Well, I wanted to make you jealous.�
�Howie, if you wanted to know if I liked you, all you had to do was ask.�
�Fine, I liked you Theresa.
�I like you too.�
�No Howie, I�m lying.  Yes, I�ve liked you for the longest time.  Come here.�  He moved his head and I softly pressed my lips against his.  After a few moments we pulled apart.  He grabbed my hand and we started talking.

�Shannon do you think D and Esa are going to go out?� AJ asked.  He glanced over at Shannon and they locked eyes.  She finally moved her eyes and looked back over at me and D.
�Well, by the looks, I would say so,� Shannon answered.  �Why am I going with Brian?� Shannon asked herself.  All of a sudden Brian put his arm around her shoulder and she snuggled closer to him.  �Because you like Brian, that�s why,� Shannon told herself.  �But still, something just isn�t right with Brian.  Almost like we don�t belong together, the kisses don�t feel right.  Oh well,� Shannon once again thought.  She closed her eyes and laid her head on his chest.  She felt Brian kiss the top of her head right before she went to sleep.

As I stepped off the plane in Ghent, Belgium, something didn�t feel right.  Like this whole tour was gong to be bad.  I just stopped walking and looked around.  �What�s going to happen?� I mumbled to myself. 
�What was that?� Kevin asked, coming up behind me.
�Oh, nothing.  Just thinking out loud,� I answered.
�Okay.�  With that he left and caught up with the group.  I started walking, staying a great distance behind the group, lost in my own thoughts.  I felt someone wrap their arms around my waist but really didn�t care.
�Esa, are you okay?� I heard AJ�s voice ask me.  I just looked up into his eyes and nodded my head �yes�.  �Theresa, you got really pale.  What�s wrong?�
�Nothing Alexy,� I mumbled.  I just looked down.  With AJ�s arm around me the feeling got worse.  �Could something happen to us?  Or one of the guys?  Or even Shannon?� I asked myself.  I couldn�t stand having that feeling so I removed AJ�s arm.  He just looked at me and we climbed into the limo.  I saw next to the window, not hearing the people around me.  �What the fuck is going on?� I asked myself.  �I hate this fuckin� feeling.�
�Theresa.  Theresa!� Shannon called out.  I finally came out of my thoughts and looked at her.
�I�m sorry Shannon.  What did you ask?� 
�I asked if you were okay?� she repeated.  I just smiled a little and nodded my head �yes�.
�Are you sure?� she asked.  Once again I just nodded my head.  I turned back around and continued looking out the window.  Finally, I felt the limo pull to a stop and soon everyone started getting out.  We got out the luggage and went into the hotel.  We each got our room key and went into our rooms.  As soon as I got into the room, I ran to my bedroom and cried.  �God, what the Hell is happening?� I asked myself.  After a few minutes I sat back up and looked around.  �This is supposed to be a new beginning.  But I don�t like the way it�s looking,� I thought to myself.  I got up off the bed, grabbed my bags and unpacked.  I sat down on the couch and flipped on the TV.  I was getting into the movie when I heard a knock.  I checked the time and it read 4:30.  I got up and opened the door. 
�Can I come in?� Brian asked.  I just opened the door and let Brian come inside.  He sat down on the couch and turned the TV off.
�Would you like anything?� I asked him.
�No thanks.  Um, Theresa, can we talk?�
�Sure Bri.  What about?�
�You.�  I just looked at him, the smile on my face leaving.
�There�s nothing to talk about.�
�That�s a fucking lie and you know it.�
�Brian, do I need to explain everything little damn thing to you?�
�When you have everyone worried, than yes.�
�Well Brian, in that case, all I�ll simply say is nothing is wrong.�
�That�s bull shit.  Please Theresa.  AJ was telling us that you were all pale, which you are, and then you wouldn�t let him touch you.  And then you don�t hear when people are talking to you.  So, either you are thinking, which I doubt, or you�re having major problems and your not letting anyone help.�
�Look Brian, I�m glad that you�re trying to be a friend.  But nothing is wrong.  The tour is something new in my life and I just need to get used to it.  Trust me.�
�Fine.  I know there�s more, but I�ll just let it go.�  I just gave him a smile and nodded my head.  He got off the couch and walked out of the room.  I sat down on the couch and flipped the TV back on.  15 minutes later someone was knocking on my door again.  I opened it up and found Shannon.
�Theresa did you forget that you had practice?� she asked. 
�Oh, no.  I was just getting ready to leave.�
�Okay.  Well, grab you things and let�s get going.�  I grabbed my bag and headed down to the limo.  As soon as I got in, Howie wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me next to him.  I smiled at him and he gave me a kiss on the cheek.  I glanced around and noticed AJ, Brian and Shannon talking and they kept throwing looks in my direction.
�Whatever,� I mumbled. 
�What was that?� Kevin asked.  I just looked at him and laughed.  �What?�
�Kevin, you know, that�s the second time you asked me that today?�
�Really?  Sorry.  It�s just, I can�t hear what you�re saying.�
�It�s okay.  So, tell me Kevin, what�s new?�
�Nothing much.  Though, I do see you have a new boyfriend.�
�Who? D?� I asked, jokingly.  I felt Howie start tickling me and I couldn�t help but laugh.  Finally he stopped because we reached the dance studio.  Everyone got out and we all walked into the dance room.  I looked around and saw 14 dancers.  Four more for the guys and 10 backup dancers.  I just looked around and smiled at some people that I knew.  Of course Cindy was giving me an evil look, but oh well.  I felt Shannon come up beside me and link her arm through mine.  I just looked at her and smiled.  We waked over to the chairs and sat down.  I left to go change and when I came back, Fatima was there.
�Okay, are you guys ready to work?� she asked.  Most of them just moaned but I figured that dancing would help with this feeling.  We started out with �Boys Will Be Boys�.  After a few tries we finished that song.  After a five minute break, we were supposed to head into �Larger Than Life� and then a few other songs.  Practice tonight was not going to be long and all of us were happy beyond belief.  I went to my bag and pulled out my water bottle.  I was putting it away when I heard someone come up behind me.  I turned around and saw Brian there
How Did This Happen?
By: Resa Dorough
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