I sat down next to Denise and watched AJ running around, following Brianna Joan, our three year old daughter.  Brianna was having a fun time with daddy chasing her.  She had his favorite sunglasses and wasn�t about to give them up.  It was Christmas Eve and we were here, at AJ�s mom�s house, celebrating Christmas with her, as well as Christmas Day.  Next year we were flying out to see my mom and I was happy.  I hadn�t seen her in over a year.  I sighed and just looked into the fire. 
�You okay honey?� Denise asked me.  I looked at her and nodded my head.
�Just sorta homesick, that�s all.�
�I know.  I�m sorry.  I wish I could fly her in.�
�Thanks Denise.  It�s okay though.  Like I said, I just haven�t seen my mom in ages.�  I laughed and felt Brianna bump into me.  �What are you doing?�
�Tect me mommy.�
�Tect you?�
�From mean daddy.�  I picked her up and pulled her on my lap.  �Unny daddy.�
�Why is daddy funny?�
�It just unglasses.�  I laughed but nodded my head.
�Daddy loves those sunglasses though.�
�Daddy love me?�
�Daddy loves you very much Brianna,� AJ said, picking her up and spinning her around.  She laughed and hugged him.
�I wuv daddy too.�  I smiled and watched them.  AJ glanced at me and smiled. 
�You okay baby?�
�Yeah.  Just a tad bit homesick.�
�I�m sorry.�  He kneeled down in front of me and grabbed my hand.  �I love you baby.�
�I love you too.�  I heard the clock chime 12 and glanced at Brianna.  �One gift Brianna.�
�Eally?�  I just nodded my head and she ran over to the tree.  �Grandma, can I open this one?�  She ran over to Denise and sat on her lap.  I walked over to the tree, got one present for Denise, AJ and myself.  I handed Denise hers and she smiled her thanks.  I sat down on AJ�s lap and gave him his. 
�Just one AJ.�  He pouted but started unwrapping his gift.  I heard Brianna yell and saw that she had gotten her favorite Barbie.  She gave Denise a hug and waited for Denise to open her present.  Denise had gotten a beautiful necklace and went and gave AJ a hug.
�Thanks you guys.�
�Your welcome mom,� AJ said. 
�Your welcome,� I said, giving her a hug.  �Brianna, want grandma to put you to bed?�
�Please grandma?� she said, pouting and giving Denise the puppy dog eyes.
�You are so your father�s daughter.�  I laughed and gave Brianna a hug and kiss.
�Night baby.�
�Night mommy, night daddy.�  Denise picked her up and walked upstairs.

I leaned against AJ�s chest and stared into the fire.  I saw the flames and enjoyed the warmth.  Not that we really needed it, but it was nice to pretend. 
�You sure you�re okay?  I can always make a flight.�
�That�s okay AJ.  I�ll be fine.�  I smiled and gave him a kiss.
�I don�t want you to be unhappy on Christmas.�
�Baby, I�m not unhappy.  I have my man, my child and an extended mother.�  I smiled and gave him another kiss.  �I�m fine baby, really.�
�Okay, I�m trusting you baby.�  He held me for a little longer and started yawning.
�Go to sleep honey.�
�Are you coming too?�
�I�ll be up shortly, just need to set some cookies out.�
�Okay honey.  Love you,� he said, giving me a sweet kiss.
�Mmm, love you too baby.�  He went upstairs and went into our room, closing the door behind him.  I went into the kitchen and got a glass of milk and some cookies and left a note for Santa.  I sat down on the couch and once again, stared into the fire.  �God, please, let my mom and family be okay.  I know they�re back home and I�m missing them terribly this season.  Just watch over them, keep them safe.  Thank you.�  I sighed and put the fire out.  I turned off the lights and walked upstairs.  I changed into my night clothes and climbed into bed, feeling AJ put his arm around my waist. 
�Good night honey.�
�Night baby.�  I smiled and fell asleep, content his arms.

I grabbed my house coat and walked downstairs, hearing Brianna laughing.
�Mommy,� she said, seeing me.
�What baby?�
�Anta came last night.�
�Santa did?�
�Yeah.  He lefted lots of gifts.�
�Good.  Let�s go open them.�
�Yeah!�  She ran over to the tree and sat down infront of it.  I laughed and passed out the gifts, opening them and enjoying the chance to see everyone happy.  We cracked jokes about the gag gifts AJ was getting or that I was getting.  Brianna had fun making a mess, throwing the wrapping paper all over the place.  I set all my gifts aside and leaned against AJ. 
�I love Christmas,� I said, sighing.
�There�s still one more gift.�
�I don�t see it anywhere AJ.�
�Your not supposed to�� he trailed off as he heard someone knocking on the door.  He went up to go get it and I followed him.
�It�s Christmas, who would�� I trailed off as AJ opened the door and there stood my mother.  �Mom?�  She walked in and gave me a huge hug.
�I missed you honey,� she said.
�Oh, mom, I missed you too.  Merry Christmas.�
�Oh, Merry Christmas baby.  Did I miss the fun?�
�Brianna is still unwrapping her gifts.�  My mom laughed and walked into the living room.
�Hi Denise.�
�Grandma,� Brianna said, jumping up and running over to my mom.
�Hey baby.�
"God Rest Ye Merry Gentlemen"
By: Resa Dorough
Take me home
God Rest Ye Merry
Gentlemen Fans
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