�Theresa, do you know where I can find my money?�
�In your jeans from last night?�
�Thanks.  And my car keys?�
�One of three places.  Your dresser, your car, or at the bitches house.�
�Are you jealous?�
�Not at all AJ.  Don�t you think this life is getting old though?�
�Night after night, you have been clubbing, I think it�s time you stopped.�
�I�m young.�
�And stupid.  I�m going to go watch the game with your friends.�
�Oh, so you can go see your man play.�
�He is not my man.  Sides, he has a girlfriend.�
�So?  You�ve snagged men away.  Look at me and you.�
�AJ, we�re cousins!�
�I know, but I still love you.  Later girl.�  He gave me a quick hug and walked out of the house.  I watched him walk out and sighed.  I ran upstairs, put on some short shorts and a tank top.  I pulled on my sneakers and went out to my car.  I quickly drove over to the basketball court to watch Kevin, Nick and Brian play ball.  I got out of my car and walked over to the bleachers.  I sat down, noticing the girlfriends there. 
�Theresa,� I heard a voice call out.  I glanced up and saw Brian waving.  My heart beat speed up but I smiled back.  He went back to playing and I just watched his body move.  And once the game was done, he walked right over to me and picked me up.  He gave me a huge hug.
�Brian!  You stink.�
�And?�  I returned the hug. 
�Brian,� a voice spoke out from behind him.  He rolled his eyes but turned around. 
�Leighanne, sweetie, how are you.�  He kissed her, gagging the whole time.
�Fine,� she said as they pulled away.  �The girls and I are going out, okay?�
�Sure.  I�m going home and taking a shower.�
�Bye babe.�  She walked away and Brian turned back to me. 
�Now, what are we doing?�  He pulled me close and his lips claimed mine.  I moaned against them, treasuring these few moments we could sneak in.
�Anything you want.�
�Don�t say those words, you never know what they could entail.�
�I have some ideas.�  He laughed and grabbed his bags.  The four of us walked out to our cars.  �How about the club guys?�
�Sounds good to me,� Nick said.
�I�m down,� Kevin agreed.
�Great.  I�ll pick you up, okay baby?� Brian said, pulling me close again.
�Perfect.�  He kissed me real quick than got in his car and tore off.

I pulled my black skirt on and glanced at myself in the mirror.  In every way, I looked good.  I smiled to myself and than questioned everything.  Brian and I had been seeing each other for the last few weeks.  Yeah, he was dating Leighanne and I was hoping he would leave.  I talked to him and tried to get him to leave.  I looked at myself yet again, feeling down.  I walked downstairs, looking at Brian as he knocked on my door.
�Damn girl, you look fine.�  I smiled and he walked me out to the car. 
�Brian, when are you going to leave Leighanne.�
�Why would I leave her?�
�Cause you�re with me?�
�Well, no, you�re just a fling.�
�I see.�  We pulled up the club and I saw AJ�s car there.  We got out and Brian�s arm snaked around my waist.  We walked in and the music was playing loud and hard.  I saw Bone on the floor with some chick.  Brian walked out on the dance floor, said hi to AJ and than pulled me up against his body.  I couldn�t move, or wouldn�t move and he noticed.
�What�s wrong?�
�I don�t want to dance.�
�You always want to dance.�
�Well not now.�  He pulled away and we walked to the table with the other guys.  �Hey Nick.�
�Hey.  Want to dance?�
�Yeah.�  I looked at Brian and walked out on the dance floor.  Nick smiled to himself and we started dancing.

Two hours later, I had ignored Brian and he damn well knew it.
�What the fuck is the problem?� he asked as I walked off the dance floor.
�My problem?  I�m just your fling, that means I can do whatever I want with anyone else.�
�Oh no, you can�t.�
�Yes I can.   You know what Brian, I loved you and I actually thought we had something.  I suppose I was just wrong.  But whatever, have fun with Leighanne.  Oh wait, I honestly think she knows, so that leaves you with no one.�
�Brian, is that true?�  Brian quickly turned around and there was Leighanne.
�Have fun Brian,� I said.  I walked over to AJ and tapped him on his shoulder.
�What�s wrong babe?�
�Take me home, please?� I said through my tears.  He nodded his head.  He glared at Brian and we walked out to his car.

Two weeks later, I was laying in bed, still crying.  I honestly killed me to lose him, but what was I going to do?  I don�t get played like that.  I sighed and dried the tears, after all, no man is worth the tears or the heartache, right?  Wrong, my mind screamed at me.  I heard a car pull up and than a knock on my door.  I dragged my ass out of bed and walked downstairs.  I flung open the door and stared into the eyes of Brian.
�Hey,� I said.
�Can I talk to you?�
�What about?� I asked, leaning against the door.
�About us?�
�Start talking than.�
�Can I come in?�
�No.  Talk.�
Everything Was Right
By: Resa Dorough
Take me home
Everything Was
Right Fans
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