By: Resa Dorough
I wiped the tears away, gazing into space, thinking back on my past, and why this day was so special to me.  I tried to smile, but just couldn�t.  It was too sad to think about.  I gazed at my wedding band and the diamond that sparkled in the sun�s rays.  I looked down at my belly, feeling the baby kicking.  I felt a tear drop once again.

~~+++++~~~ Flashback ~~~+++++~~~
He had hurt me bigger than anyone had thought.  I laughed, really with no feeling behind it.  I thought about the reason why my best friend, AJ, hadn�t invited me to this lovely party.  Oh, I knew it was meant to be a guy thing.  But, I decided on paying this party a visit.  I noticed AJ�s girlfriend was there.  I noticed Kevin�s wife was there.   Hell, even Brian�s girl was there.  I thought it was odd, that me, AJ�s dear friend, wasn�t there.  I knocked on door, but I guess no one heard me.  I found the key AJ always hid and opened the door.  I laughed as I heard the girls and the guys laughing.  I walked into the living room, and with every step I took, I wish I hadn�t done that.  My heart dropped as I saw my man, with some dumb chick in his lap.  �How could he?� I thought.  I tried to speak, to scream, to do anything, but I couldn�t.  I was to shocked, to stunned.  And man, he was having a good time with this hoe on his lap.  That�s when it happened.  AJ was getting up to get everyone some more beers when AJ saw me.  He stopped smiling.  His eyes opened wide, with shock just written in them
�AJ.�  I turned around and quickly walked out the door.  I ran out to my car, hearing everyone calling my name.  I cried, and cried.  I knew who that dumb bitch was.  I�ve seen her before.  She often hung out with AJ, and usually hung all over Howie.  I wasn�t the jealous kind.  I trusted my lover, my friend, my boyfriend.  And that trust was slapped back in my face.  I never thought that he would do anything to hurt me.  I got in my car and quickly drove off.  Wiping the tears off my face as I drove down the highway, on my way to my house.  I often stayed at Howie�s, seeing how his was closer to everyone.  I was totally over speeding, doing 110 in a place where I was only supposed to do 75.  I guess that me getting into an accident never crossed my mind.  All I wanted to do was get to my house.  I knew I had to get home.  I just knew I had to.  I didn�t want to see him, or anyone else who called themselves �friends� again.  I checked my mirror, noticing a car following close behind me.  I quickly speed up again, reaching 130.  The car speed up.  I quickly looked behind me, noticing the car right off the back.  I turned back around, noticing a truck was swerving.  I didn�t have time to really slow down, but the car behind me did.  I slammed into the truck.
~~+++++~~~ End of flashback ~~~+++++~~

I turned as my bedroom door opened. 
�Hi,� I said.  I closed my eyes and wiped the tears away.
�Are you ready to go?�
�Yeah.�  I stood up and smoothed my black skirt out.  I straightened my shirt out and grabbed the red roses laying on my bed.  I picked up the angel and grabbed my purse.  I walked downstairs, still in a daze.  I got into my car and quickly the driver took off.  He stopped at the cemetery and helped me out.  He grabbed my hand and lightly kissed it.
�It�s going to be okay,� he said.  I gazed into this brown eyes, my heart leaping.  It quickly died as I reached the one grave.  I kneeled down and read the sweet words that were printed there
The one unborn who shall be
Living through memories

I cried once again.  Howie kneeled beside me and drew me in his arms.  I held him and cried.
�I�m so sorry baby,� he said, lightly kissing me.  I tried to smile, but I couldn�t.  In that faithful night, I had lost my first kid.  I knew I was eight months and ready to get that kid out.  We already had the name picked out.  But, do to something quite stupid, I lost the child, my dear sweet Angel.  I placed the roses and the Angel on the grave.  The baby inside me kicked again.  I rubbed my belly, grateful for another chance.  The sun was shining brighter and I glanced up.  I closed my eyes and let the rays hit me.  I smiled, knowing my child was there.  �You okay love?� Howie asked me.  I opened my eyes and looked at him.
�Yeah, Angel is watching over us, you know?�  He nodded his head and walked back to the car.
Take me home
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