�What� my mind screamed at me.  There was still a nagging feeling in my mind.  The first time he slept with me started the fights all over again.  That was three months ago.  Three months of nothing but fighting.  Granted, we went out to keep appearance, but that was a pure hell.  And of course that I was always sick and even more bitchy, just didn�t help.  Something was wrong, we both knew it, both sensed it.  Yet, neither of us knew what could possibly be up.  The fights were always proved that me and him were not meant to be.  Sure, we could at least be friends, but truly nothing more.  I leaned back in the plush limousine seat, my thoughts on that one man.  Even in anger, he could fill my mind.  Was it possible to fall in love with someone you hate?
�You gotta wake up Resa.�  I glanced at AJ.
�I�m awake.�
�You okay?�
�Just fine.  Why do you ask?�
�Because you�re sitting away from Howie.  Personally, I think you two make a very lovely couple and would hate to see this marriage fail.�  My mind swam with those words.  I heard something said that was much like it.
�You don�t want to see us fail?  But Alex, don�t you want to see your friend happy?�
�More than anything and I believe you can, and will, make him happy.�  Okay, I knew something was going on.  I knew, as well, that whatever happened, AJ and Kathy were behind all of this.  We stopped and with a deep breath, all of us stepped out.  Howie placed his hand on my waist and both of us planted smiles on our face.  �Just get through tonight, for Howie leaves for three weeks with Pollyanna� my mind told me.  We walked down the red carpet and into our seats, lights flashing and questions being flung at us.
�You okay?�  I quickly glanced at Howie.
�Just not feeling good.�
�Maybe you should see a doctor?�
�I have an appointment in two days.�
�I�ll be gone by then.  Call me, okay, let me know what he says.�
�Of course D.�  He took my hand, our fingers entwining.  That was of those rare times we got along.

�You can�t get a divorce.�
�He cheated.  Look at the paper.�
�Theresa, Mrs. Dorough, I can not let you get a divorce on those means alone.  You, of all people, should know that the press can print false information.�
�Yes, I�m well aware of that.  But, usually when you have that kind of name, a big name, you don�t dare print false information.�
�Only when I have a good reason will I help you.  It takes quit a bit to break this kind of marriage.�  I sighed and rolled my eyes.  Four months, wasn�t that long enough!
�Fine, I�ll get your reason.  And than I�ll be of this shit.�
�There�s only so many reasons you can come up with.  But, the most I would believe is that someone drugged you and neither of you gave consent.�  My forehead creased as an idea came to mind.  When both Howie and I awoke, we had killer headaches and both of us swore we weren�t drinking the night before.  And both of us we can not remember getting married.  �What are you thinking about?�
�Is there a drug that can you can take, might knock you out.  And when you came to, wouldn�t remember a damn thing and have a killer headache?�
�Yes.  Um, I believe, yeah, it�s called a Night Drug.�
�Why Night?�
�I�m not all to sure, but yeah.�
�Is it easy to get a hold of?�
�Yeah.  Most stores actually carry it over the counter.  The headache is actually just a side effect.  But it�s rather very new.�
�That your Mr. Livingston.  I swear, I�ll have your proof in no time.�
�Okay Mrs. Dorough, we shall see.�  I left the office and sped off in D�s car to AJ�s house.  I was not going to be dumb much longer and make my life, D�s or my babies life misserable.  I knocked on his door and he slowly opened it.

�How could you AJ?�
�I didn�t mean too.�
�Bull shit Alex.  You drugged me and him and than we got married.  Why?�
�Because you two are so perfect yet you refuse to see it.  For whatever reason you have.�
�You do know that we will not stay married, right?�
�You have to Resa!�
�No AJ.  Our marriage is invalid cause we both did not give consent.  How could you hurt us?�
�It was to help you.�
�You didn�t help us Alex.  You made it worse.�
�Did I?  Is that why you�re pregnant?  Is that why your face is glowing?�
�I�m not pregnant.�
�Not what you told Kathy!�  I stared at him and just about cried.  �In the moment of passion, anyone can say anything if asked.�
�You�re cruel.�
�So is Kathy, she was behind it 100 percent.�
�I do not know how I can call you guys best friends.  I mean, you betray us like this thinking that it may help, yet it didn�t!�  I walked out the door and out to the car.
�Do you love him?�  I stopped dead in my tracks and slowly turned around and looked at him.  �Do you love him Resa?�  I shrugged my shoulder, yet he refused to take that as an answer.  �It�s rather simple.  Do you love him? Is all the fights because you refuse to love any man after the way Tim hurt you?  Is because you don�t want to love him, don�t want him to love you, so you push him away?  Again, do you love him?�
�I can not love again, remember.  I�m meant to be lonely, to be an Ice Queen.  Please Alex, stop asking me that question.�
�You do love him.�  I wiped the single tear away.
�But he doesn�t love him.  If he did, he would stay true to his vows, regardless if we gave consent or not.�
�Do you know he�s cheating?�
�Yes.  I do have proof.  More than some stupid newspaper.  I have to go.�  I drove back to my lawyers and let him hear the tape.  Well, most of it.  Not the last part.  He gasped at me and within half an hour, had the papers written up and ready to sign.

�What is this bull shit Resa?�  I stared at those brown eyes, fighting hard not to lose control.
�It�s divorce papers Howie.�
A Strange Attraction By: Resa Dorough
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