"Nothing.  Megan you gotta hurry.  All the other girls are going to be there.�
�Can you believe they all left?� she asked, walking out of the room.
�It�s hard to believe the only person who�s lucky enough is Brian.�
�Lucky?  Are you sure you wanna say that?�
�True.  I know where my man is, so that makes me beyond happy,� Theresa said.
�I can�t help feeling sad for everybody else.  You know all our husbands left and that�s just a greater shock on all of us,� I said.  I grabbed my purse and walked out to the car.  �You know Theresa, I�m gonna tell you where AJ went.  He wasn�t supposed to let to many people know because he�s doing it for special forces.�
�Well, isn�t he the Captain of Special Forces?�
�Yes.  Anyway, he got sent out to China.�
�China?  Why China?�
�He says because China is also pat of this war.  And FDT wanted a Special Forces team to go out.�
�Megan, I hate to say this, but you know what�s being said, right?�  I just stared at Theresa.  �Okay, they�re saying that men come back from China are highly unlikey.�
�But, no way.  Not my AJ.�

��and then he�s like �mama, no he has to be real�.  I felt so bad for him.  My sister broke his heart,� Rhoney was saying.  We all laughed at her story and all stopped laughing when someone knocked on the door.
�Come in,� I called out.
�Mrs. Caption Megan McLean?� Brian said.
�I regret to inform you that on the 9th of December, 1941, your husband�s unit was put under fire.  It pains me to inform that Captain Alexander James McLean was killed in action.�  I fell to the floor and felt Theresa wrap her arms around me.  �Megan, I�m so very sorry,� Brian said.  He saluted her and walked out of the house.


USS Hawaii (Aircraft Carrier)
I sighed and sat down on the couch.  I looked over at the kids and smiled.
�We don�t want daddy to go,� my oldest said.
�He has to.  Just think, he�s a Captain.  A very special man.  He can fly and be on the ship.  No one is going to kill that kind of man.�
�She�s right,� Howie said, stepping into the living room.  �I want you two to behave for your mother.  And I�ll be back as soon as I can.�  They nodded their heads and gave him a big hug.  He smiled and they left the room.
�You take care of yourself Mr. Dorough,� I said.  I straightened his jacket and smoothed down his wrinkles.
�I�ll take care if you will.�  He wrapped his arms around me and smiled.  I leaned over and kissed him.  �I�ll be home soon baby.  And then we can raise our family right.�
�You promise?�  I smiled at him and he smiled back.  �I love you.�
�I love you too.�  He quickly kissed me and walked out the door. 
�What do you want for dinner?� I called out.

�Was Howie happy?� Megan asked.
�For a man lie that, anything is possible.  May just be one of the reasons why I love him so much.  I just know that my world would turn upside down if I lost him.�
�I know Theresa.  He would be missed.  But, let�s move on. This is a sad time for all of us.  We�re left alone.�
�You know, I feel bad for Rhoney.  I think out of us all, she has it the worst.  I mean, we know where our men are at.  Rhoney�her husband is off watching God know what.  Poor girl,� I said.  I finished cleaning the kitchen and started cleaning the living room.
�Since he�s going to be gone, are you always going to clean?�
�It truly keeps my mind off of him and what�s going on.�
�You�re going to have a very clean house.�  I just smiled at Megan and went on cleaning.

�You know, I�m only doing this so your mind stays off of things,� I told the girls.  I glanced around at everyone and smiled.  �Just remember the good times.�
�You know Theresa, you can say that because your husband isn�t dead yet,� Maryann said.
�Neither is Rhoney�s.  Hers is just playing the messenger boy,� I commented.
�I can�t believe you just said that about Brian,� Rhoney jumped in.
�Look.  I�m sorry, to everyone.  I know you�re going through a hard time.  I�m just showing you guys that everyone is here for everyone.  That�s all.�  I just smiled at everyone and answered the door.  �Brian.�
�Mrs. Dorough.�  I opened the door wider and let him in.  �I�m done with this job,� he tried joking.
�What�s wrong Brian?� I asked.
�Mrs. Captian Theresa Dorough, I regret to inform you that on the 10th of December, 1941, your husband�s ship was under attack.  They lost all planes on there, and it truly kills me inside to inform you that Captain Howard Dwaine Dorough was killed in action.�  I leaned against the door, feeling Rhoney come up behind me.  �Theresa, I�m�I�m so very sorry.  To all of you,� Brian said.  He saluted me and walked out of the house.


Dead -n- Living
� I stared out the window, waiting, hoping, praying, anything to bring Brian home.  In four days, the four other girls had lost their husbands.  They were coming over today so that we could talk about funeral arrangements.
�Rhoney, honey, come on.  He�ll be homes soon,� Shannon said.
�I know.�
�So, what should we do?� Megan asked.
�Well, they need to be buried, but you know, I think they need the Military burial when we know they have all died.  So that they can get honored at the same time,� Theresa suggested.
�I like that idea,� Maryann said.
�Rhoney, it�s up to you.  As far as we know, you have the only husband alive,� Shannon said.
Heroes Never Die ~N~ Legends Do Live On
By: Resa Dorough
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