"Yeah, thanks D." With that she followed him to his car. He opened the door for her and shut it behind her when she got in. 'He really needs to know the truth, right?' Theresa thought to her self. "D, would you like to come with us today?" Theresa asked.
"Well, if you guys won't mind, then sure, I would love to come,"
"Well, then you're coming." He dropped her off at her place. "Um, I'm just going to go on inside and get a few things. I should be back out, okay?"
"No, let me help you ." Before he could finish his sentence, Megan and AJ came out with all the stuff.
"Well, shall we get going?" Theresa asked Howie. He started the car and drove off to the park.
"Why did you say that the kids were yours?" AJ asked Megan.
"I'm not really sure. I just did. I know she really likes him and she doesn't want to scare him off, so I guess it was to protect her and the kids from getting hurt."
"Oh, okay. You kind of shocked me when you said that."
"You'd better get use to it, cause I'm full of surprises!" she told him.
"Do you want me to go with me to my photo shoot Monday morning?" AJ asked Megan.
"Um, sure." With that, they pulled into the park. They got out and went over to a little table. "Oh my God. That asshole better not be here," Megan said.
"What fucking ass hole would that be?" AJ asked. All Megan could do was point out Alex in the distance. "Fuck, what is he doing here?"
"I'm not sure, but I hope to God Theresa doesn't see him. In fact, AJ give Howie a call. Tell him not to come to the park." AJ pulled out his phone and told Howie not to come. He lied and said there was no room and to meet us back at the house.
"Fine man. Actually, I think Theresa and I are going to the beach, so I'll talk to ya later," Howie said. Theresa just glanced at him, wondering what the hell was up. "Oh, well, AJ just said not to go to the park. So I figured I take you to the beach instead."
"Okay, but I have to work tonight. So, don't get me too tired tonight." Theresa just smiled at him and then glanced back at the road. 'The place is so full. I don't get that,' Theresa thought to herself. Howie pulled into the parking lot and got out of the car. He walked around to Theresa's door and opened it. "D, why did you bring us to the beach?"
"I thought this would be a nice place to get to know one another." He grabbed her hand and led your over to the sand. He laid down the blanket and pulled Theresa down with him. She sat down and he put an arm around her shoulder. "So, do tell me about yourself."
"Well, there's nothing much to tell. I'm 24 years old. I'm single. Hmm, what else would you like to know?"
"Well, for now I guess that works."
"God, she really couldn't keep her fuckin' hands off of you could she." This guy walked up behind Theresa and Howie.
"Who the fuck are you?" Howie said standing up.
"My name is Alex, and I'm the guy who..."
"Who loves to be a jack ass and loves to get..."
"Who's the father of her kids." She looked at him and almost felt the tears start to fall. She glanced at him again and he looked like he was about to laugh.
"Sorry, but this lovely young lady is no mother."
"Lovely lady my ass. She's one of the biggest sluts I've ever..." Before Alex could get out met Howie punched him. Alex walked away with a bloody nose.
"Come on Theresa, looks like the beach wasn't a good place after all."
"If you want we can stay. Don't let HIM ruin our day."
"Well, if you want to stay I guess we can."
"Well, we can't swim anyway, so I guess that we can go someplace else."
"Yeah, I'd prefer someplace a little more private." Howie started to get up, and he took Theresa's hands and lightly kissed them. Then, he helped her up. When they both stood up Howie put his hand lightly on her face and leaned in for the sweetest, most gentle kiss. Neither one of them wanted to pull away.
"Man, you two are pathetic!"
Howie and Theresa both jumped and turned around and standing there laughing was AJ and Megan along with Savahana and Justin.
Savahana leaned over to Justin and whispered, "Mommy's got a new boyfriend!"
"Who is it?" Justin whispered back.
"I don't know."
"Oh, hi Megan. We were just about to leave. We had some bad company."
"What kind of bad company?"
"Alex showed up."
"Hey, what did I do this time!?!" AJ chimed in.
"No, not you AJ. My ex-boyfriend Alex." Theresa replied with a smile on her face.
"I just saw him at the park!" Megan said. "That's why we told you not to come."
Howie just looked at Theresa with a confused look on his face. So many questions were running through his head. 'Why did she look so worried when that Alex dude came up here? Why was she so scared to tell me that those kids were Megan's? Is she hiding something from me?'
Megan quickly glanced over at Howie and she saw his face. She looked at him closely and noticed that he was thinking about what Alex said to him earlier. She shook her head. 'He's not wondering about this. He's not going to ask Theresa anything, even if she is slipping,' Megan thought. She felt someone tugging on her hand and she quickly looked down and Justin. He pointed to Theresa and Howie, who were exchanged in another lip lock. He looked back at them and quickly made a face.
"Momma, that's gross.."
"Then don't look Justin," AJ said, cutting Justin off and picking him up. Theresa pulled away from Howie and looked over at Justin.
"AJ, be careful with him, he can get sick if you toss him too much," Theresa said, not even thinking about it.
"Um, Theresa, shouldn't Megan warn AJ about something like that?" Howie asked. She quickly looked at him and then looked back at Justin when he started coughing. She then glanced at Megan and who just looked at her. Theresa pointed to a water fountain and Meg understood. She grabbed Justin and took him to the water fountain. "So, who are you?" Savahana asked Howie, grabbing his hand.
"Well, little lady, my name is Howard, but my friends call me Howie. And who are you?"
"Well, Howard, I'm Justin's sister, Savahana, and the lady you were kissing, is our Mommy." Theresa looked up as Megan came back. Megan looked at AJ, who was staring at Howie. Howie looked at Savahana, wondering what the hell was going on. He quickly glanced up at AJ, who just shook his head, and then he glanced at Megan, who looked shocked. Last, he looked up at Theresa, who was on the verge of tears.
First Time For Everything
By: Resa Dorough
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