First Time For Everything
By: Resa Dorough
Take me home
First Time For Everything Fans
"Damn and leather?" AJ asked, looking past Megan. Megan turned around and saw Theresa at the foot of the stairs. She was wearing black, sandle like shoes and brown pantyhose. She had on a purple leather dress that was tight and short. The skirt ended about mid thigh and the top was sleeveless. She had on a simple necklace, which was just a gold band, a pair of diamond earrings and her make up was light.
"Hi," she said, walking over to the chair.
"Hey girl, you look good."
"So do you. Hey AJ."
"Hi Theresa. Um, you know Howie isn't going to like that?"
"D, has his own date. He, of all people, knows how I feel about her."
"True, but still, you know how much he loves you..."
"AJ, not now," Theresa said, walking over to the door. "Leslie?"
"Yes Miss Lambe?" She asked, walking out of the kitchen.
"Be careful tonight. That storm looks bad, and I just don't know, but do take care."
"I know. I have a car, so, if something happens..."
"Thanks," Theresa said, giving her a hug. She pulled away just as the doorbell went off. Megan opened it and smiled at Sisqo.
"Okay, well, AJ, I wish you the best of luck. I know you have to win something for �Show Me The Meaning", and have fun performing."
"Will do, bye. Mark, I wish you the best as well," AJ said, giving Mark five. He gave Theresa s quick hug, followed by Megan giving Theresa one.
"Catch ya later Resa."
"Bye." Theresa and Sisqo walked over to his limo and climbed in.
"By the way Shorty, you look good," Theresa just blushed a little and smiled.

Sisqo and Theresa took their seats and Sisqo heard Theresa groan. She looked around her and sighed. Sisqo was to her right and she had Christina to her left. The following order was : Howie, Megan, AJ, Rhoney, Nick, Leighanne, Brian, Kristin, and Kevin.
"Hey Theresa," Christina said.
"Oh, hi Christina. How are you?"
"I'm fine," she shut up as Adam Sandler took the stage. He started it off and presented the first performance which was Kid Rock. He performed �American Bad Ass' and Adam came back with a few jokes. He then, introduced the next two presenters. They were: Ricky Martin and Britney Spears. They presented the Best New Artist, Sisqo was nominated, but Jessica Simpson took home the award. Adam came back on and introduced the next performance, Dr. Dre, with �Forgot About Dre.' An hour later the award for the best direction was up and *Nsync took it home. Their speech was arrogant, long, and stupid. They kept cracking jokes about BSB and Sisqo. At this point, BSB had won four awards: Best singer in duo or group, choreography, Best performance on tour, and best concept in a video. Sisqo had gotten three awards: Video of the year, best new album, and best single. Adam came back on stage and said the next performance was by Brian McKnight, �6, 8, 12.' After that Madonna came up to announce that there was only two awards left; Album of the Year and best singer, and she was there to present for best singer. She smiled as she saw the name and then called Sisqo. He jumped up and gave Theresa a hug and gave Howie five. He walked up to the stage and gave his �thank you' speech and walked off. Adam came back out to announce the net two presenters.
"He's eleven and a wonderful country singer and she's 53 and still kicking ass in the music business....Billy Gilman and Cher." The two walked out and made a few jokes and then announce the nominees. They laughed and announced that the person or persons getting this award had four already. The Backstreet Boys had won Album of the Year. They jumped up and Theresa jumped up, too. Her eyes locked with Howie's and he smiled.
"Congratulations," she told him.
"Thank you," he turned around and walked up to the stage with the other guys. They said their �thank you' speech and walked off stage. Adam came back out and said the show was over.

Theresa walked down the hallway and into the room that she shared with Sisqo. She walked over to the phone and tried calling her house, but the phone lines were dead.
"I heard that the storm was bad," Sisqo said, walking into the room.
"And that mean what?"
"We have to stay here until they can clean up the mess. I"m sorry Theresa, but I'm sure that the kids are fine."
"I know, but that doesn't stop you from ever worrying."
"Hey, I'm a parent, too Shorty. I know what it's like." Theresa just looked up at him and smiled. She quickly frowned as she heard shouting coming through the door. IT was Howie, AJ, and Megan's voices.

"Look Howie, it's nice that you got this room, but I don't want rumors starting. I'm sorry, but you can find a new place to sleep," Christina said. Howie just looked at her and rolled his eyes. He walked down the hallway and stopped at AJ's room.
"AJ?" He asked pounding on the door.
"What?" He asked, opening the door up.
"Can I bunk here tonight? Resa is probably off fucking Sisqo and Christina kicked me out."
"Yeah, but you do know that this fight you're having with Theresa is your own fault, right?"
"Damn it, AJ. Don't start."
"D, look at you. You are so jealous. You're here thinking she's fucking Sisqo, not knowing that she just went with him as friends."
"Did you see what she was wearing?"
"Did you pay enough attention to Christina to notice what she was wearing? Theresa looked good, Howie."
"God, I know, but fuck, why him? Why did..."
"D, nothing is going on with her and Sisqo. Please, you gotta believe it."
"I can't, AJ. She hurt me when she didn't trust and then this bull shit with Mark."
"She didn't hurt you. It's more like you hurt her. Haven't you noticed? You didn't' trust her then, just like you don't trust her now."
"Whatever. I didn't come here to get my ass chewed out. I came to see if I could stay the night."
"Yeah D, come on in," Megan called stepping into the room.
"Thanks Megan," D stepped in and fell on the couch.
"We're off to bed. Night D," AJ said, walking into the bedroom.
"Night D. Really think about what AJ was saying, please." Megan said. She gave Howie a hug and walked into the bedroom. Howie laid down on the couch and just thought about the days events.
"God Theresa looked good. About 20 times better than Christina. Okay D, get her out of your mind," Howie told himself.
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