"Well, it�s just cause I�m just cool like that," he said hugging her back. "So what is Theresa doing today?"
"Don�t know. I�m sure she�s doing something with the kids though."
"Well, would ya like to go to the beach then?"
"Sounds good to me. Just let me go home and get ready, okay?"
"Sure, baby." She ran up the stairs and got herself together.

Theresa was walking down the soda aisle when she bumped into someone.
"My God. I�m so sorry," she said, looking at him.
"That�s okay," the guy said, looking at her. He noted that she looked familiar. "Theresa?"
"Mark? Mark �Dru Nasty� Andrews?"
"Yeah. God shorty, it�s been a while," Mark said, giving her a hug.
"Yeah I know. Congrats on the success by the way," she said.
"Thank you. So how are Savahana and Justin?"
"Mommy, can we get this?" Justin asked holding up a bottle of soda.
"Sure sweetie. You remember Uncle Sisqo right?"
"Of course. Hey," Justin said giving Mark a hug.
"Hey man, and hey Shorty," he said giving Savahana a hug.
"So Mark, what are you doing in Florida?"
"Taking a little vacation. My little girl is with her mom, and they boys, Dru Hill, are here chillin� with me."
"Wow. That�s totally cool. As long are you�re having fun. So, what are you doing now?"
"Just grabbing a few things. The guys were in a junk food mood."
"Okay, well, can you stop by my place for some lunch?" Theresa asked, getting a piece of paper out of her purse to write down directions.
"I will, but now I have to get going, Shorty. Bye," he said giving her a hug. "Bye you two," he said, waving at Justin and Savahana.
"Bye," they all called out at the same time.
"Okay, so Mr. Sisqo is coming over," Theresa told the kids.
"He�s cool, Mom. He�s such a sweet man," Savahana said.
"Yes, he is. Come on. We have to get going." Theresa finished shopping and left. She reached the house within 15 minutes and saw AJ�s car outside. The kids helped carry stuff inside and were talking about Sisqo.
"What�s going on?" AJ asked.
"Oh, I met a friend and he�s coming over for lunch. He should be here shortly, actually." Theresa answered, taking things out for lunch.
"And this man is Sisqo?" AJ asked, with a look of disbelief on his face.
"Yeah. You don�t have to believe me," she said, smiling. A knock on the door stopped her from really planning anything else. Justin ran to the door and opened it.
"Uncle Mark, come in."
"Thanks man. Where�s your mom?"
"In the kitchen. Uncle AJ and Aunt Megan are here, too. Want to meet them?"
"Sure." Justin walked into the kitchen, followed by Mark. "Hey AJ, how are you doing?"
"Great. How about you?"
"Good. Just chillin� here on vacation."
"Much needed, I�m sure."
"Of course. Hey shorty," Mark said, giving Theresa a hug.
"Hi again. Savahana, go get Megan, please?"
"Sure, Mom."
"So, Mark, what have you been up to?" Theresa asked, making the chicken.
"Too much, Shorty. Oh chicken," he said, licking his lips. Theresa just laughed and shook her head.
"Megan, meet Mark "Sisqo" Andrews. Mark, this is one of my best friends, Megan. Megan, Mark and I go back a ways. Anyhow, are you staying?"
"Nah, AJ and I were heading out to the beach."
"Want some food to go?" Theresa asked, peeling potatoes.
"Sure," Megan took a seat at the dining table and started talking to AJ and Mark.
"Bye the way, Theresa. I�m going to the VMA�s with AJ."
"Wow! Are you two going shopping soon?"
"Yeah, within� the next few days," she said. Theresa just smiled and finished making lunch.
AJ packed up the remaining of the food and watched Megan as she sunbathed. "Sit up Megan. Let me put the lotion on your back," he said, already grabbing the bottle. Megan sat and she felt AJ�s gentle hands going along her back. She shivered slightly as she felt AJ�s lips on her neck.
"That feels good. Thank you baby," Megan said.
"Trust me, the pleasure is all mine." Megan leaned back against his chest and listened to the sound of the waves crashing against the shore. "Quite nice, isn�t it?" AJ mumbled in her ear.
"Very. Man, I could live at the beach."
"I know. Come on, let�s test the water," AJ said, getting up and helping her up. They ran into the ocean, loving the coldness of the water. Megan had just come up when she felt someone splash her. She wiped the water off of her face and stared at AJ.
"Ugh, that was rude," she mumbled as she splashed him back, "But that means war," she said. For the next half an hour they had a water fight and AJ finally stopped and swam after her. He wrapped his arms around her waist and kissed her, full force.
"Okay, you won," AJ mumbled against her lips. She smiled and pulled him closer.
"Thank you honey," Megan said. She felt him remove his lips and let them ravel down her neck. She felt his hands slip to the top of her bathing suit. "AJ," she replied, her breathing shallow.
"Not here." She heard him groan and she laughed slightly. "Come on, either your place or mine."
"Mine," AJ said, quickly picking her up and running back to the towels.

Sisqo finished his chicken as he finished talking about his music.
"So, Miss Shorty, would you like to go to the VMA�s with me?"
"Me? Don�t you have a girlfriend?"
"Yes, you and no I don�t. So, maybe my good friend should go?"
"Wow, umm, Mark, this is...yeah, I�ll go." She said smiling.
"You sure Shorty?"
First Time For Everything
By: Resa Dorough
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