Dear colleague

1. These are all memory based Question of AIIMS Nov. 2006 Exam.

2. Correct answer are given in Red colour.

3. Question is green colour are incomplete.

4. If you can complete the Question, you mail these to us at [email protected], we will solve the Question & put answer by tomorrow 8 PM

5.  Even if you find any question or answer given is wrongly typed please mail us the corrected one.

6. Some of the questions have been typed twice so the total no. of question have exceeded 200 in our paper.

7. Question marked with * are from our Question Bank.





















*1) NK cells acts on virus infected cells which are

    a. which express MHC -1

    b. which doent express MHC -1

    C. which express MHC - 2

    d. which doesnot express MHC - 2


 *2)in acute inflammation endothelial cells retractions causes

   a. immediate transient increse in permeability

   b. immediate prolonged increase in permeability

   c. late transient increase in permeability

   d. late prolonged increase in permeability


*3) a patient presented with cough with expectoration sputum culture shows gram negative organisms from only charcol extract agar, the organism is

   a. listeria monocytogens

   b. M. catarrhalis

   c. B. malli/psudomalli

   d. legionella


*4) lipoprotein A predisposes to

    a. nephrotic syndrome

    b. liver cirrhosis

    c. atherosclerosis



*5) ASHA (activated social health activist) are part of which program

    a. national mental health program

    b. replaces anganwadi worker in ICDS program

    c. for 1000 population there is one ASHA worker

    d. from recent health policy of 2001, they are the part of social and sanitation management


*6) Pituryriasis rosea is a

    a. chronic replapsing disease

    b. it is an auto immune disease

    c. caused by dermato phyte

    d. self resolving



7) in multiple myeloma bone scan will show

    a. hot nodules

    b. cold nodules

    c. diffuse increase uptake

    d. diffuse decrease uptake


*8) specificity in a screening test means

    a. true positive

    b. false positive

    c. true negative

    d. false negative




*9) the drug which causes dissociative anestheia

   a. ketamine

   b. propofol

   c. midazolam

   d. diazepam




10) a patient with history of recurrent abortion, the investigation required for this patiernt

   a. PT

   b PTT

   c. anti russel viper snake venum

   c. fibrinogen levels


11) a thirty year old female with history of progressive hearing loss, which became profound with pregnancy the tympanogram we will get which curve

   a. A

   b. B

   c. As

   d. Ad


*12) delusion is a disorder of

    a. thought

    b. perception

    c. insight

    d.  cognition


*13) the drug of choice for obsessive compulsive disorder?

   a. olanzepin

   b. fluoxetin

   c. haloperidol

   d. thioridazine


14) which of the drung is not an atypical anti psychotic?

   a. thoridazine

   b. riseperidone

   c. clozapine

   d. olanzepine


*15)naltrexone is used

  a. for opiod overdose

  b. to cover the withdrawal symptoms



 16)which is not a second generation H-1 antagonist

   a. acrivastatin

   b. loratidin

   c. fexofenadine

   d. cyclizine


17)the mechanisms of phagocytosis of bacteria infected cells by NK cells is

    a. peforin?





18) efficiency of the program for iodine deficiency disorders against hypothyrodism can be assesed by

   a. neonatal thyroxin levels

   b. goiter in pregnancy

   c. goiter in age group of 12 to 18 levels

   d. soil iodine levels



19. ­in threshold level if we slowly ­ stimulus is:

a. Adaptation

b. Accommodation

c. Electrotonus



20. Statistical analysis can be best correlated b/w lab reports of a new test & gold standard test by:

a. Correlation

b. Regression




21. Blood creatinine accurate diagnosis by:

a. Kinetic Jappes

b. Jappes test

c. Enzyme assay



22. All are true about communicability of malaria except:

a. Gametocyte in 4-5 days in blood in P. vivax.

b.  Gametocyte in 10-12 days in blood in P. falciparun

c. Initially, less gametoaytes, ­ with time



23. Which of the following dose not fall in to problem village:

a. where water is not available with in 1.6 km

b. where there is risk of dracunculiosis

c. where water is not available at depth of 15 m

d. where water has impurities containing salts,


*24. Active scarch for cause in apparently healthy individuals is:

a. Notification

b. Screening

c. Surveillance

d. Case finding


*25. Trachoma-SAFE all true except:

a. Screening

b. Anti biotics

c. Face wash

d. Environment


26. Two different germ cell liver presented in a single individual from 2/more zygotesà

a. Chimerism

b. Mosaicism

c. Segregation



*27. Meralgia paresthetica

a. Lat cut n of thigh

b. Med cut n of thigh

c. Genitofemoral n



*28. Common peroneal nerve is in relation to:

a. Neck of fibula





29. Supination & pronation doesn’t take placeat

a. Sup. radioulnar joint

b. Middle radioulnar joint

c. Inferior radioulnar joint

d. Radiocarpal joint


30. Charcot’s joint not seen in:

a. leprosy

b. DM

c. Syringomyelia

d. Arthrogryposis multiplex


*31. Female with 1o ameno with  B/L ing hernia with absent of pubic hair with (n) 2o sexual characters à

a. Androgen insensitivity syndrome

b. Muellarian agenesis

c. Turner’s syndrome



32. 2nd generation H1 antagonist are all except:

a. Fexofenadine

b. Acrivastine

c. Loratidine

d. Cyclizine


33. H. Pylori Rx all except:

a. Amoxicillin

b. Omeprazole

c. Metronidazole

d. Mosapride


*34. Lice is not a vector in:

a. Q fever

b. Trench fever

c. Epidemic typhus

d. Relapsing fever


35. Breast C/A least seen in (risk least)

a. BRCA 1

b. BRCA 2

c. Lifraumeni syndrome

d. Ataxia telangiectasia


*36. Pregnancy B/L deafness, impedence audiometry à

a. As curve

b. Ad

c. b

d. a


*37. Undescended testis Rx (orchiopexy) à

a. Neonate

b. 1-2 yrs

c. 5 yrs

d. puberty


*38. Constrictive pericarditis rarest in:

a. Tuberculous effusion

b. Staph effusion

c. post surgical

d. Rheumatic fever


*39. Umbilical bleeding in newborn is seen in:

a. VWD

b. Factor 13 deficiency

c. Glanznam thrombasthenia

d. Bernard soulier syndrome


*40. Sexual asphyxia

a. Masochism,

b. Voyeurism

c. Sadism


41. Pustule an back of hand à ulcer à discharge à staining

a. polychrome methylene blue

b. Modified Kinyoun stain

c. Pas



42. Epiphyseal tumor,

a. osteoclastoma

b chondromyxoid fibroma




43. In fetal & embryonic cells, dinision uninhibited, in adults cells not seen:

a. Infetal cells, protease absent for degrading cyclin DK

b. In adult cells (-) of cyclins DK present entering into S phase




44. Long acting b agonist

a. Orciprenaline

b. Salmeterol

c.  ……… terol



*45. Prodrug is

a. Enalapril






46. Endemic ascites is associated with

a. Sanguinarine

b. Aflatoxin

c. Pylorrizidine alkacoids

d. Ergot


47. Amyloid b pleated  sheet is confirmed by

a. Scanning electron microscopy

b. x-ray crystallography

c. Apple green florescence in congo red staining

d. Polarizing electron microscope


48. In blood sample, Hb, eshma done 10 hrs

9.5, 9.2, 9.4 9.7, 10.2, 12.1, 10.5, 10.3, 9.6, 9.9

accurate valve – 10.2 by standard

a. High validity , high reliabity

b. Low validity , low relibity

c. low validity, high rehabity

d. high validity, low raliabity


49. Which drug act on Cell wall

a. Cefepime

b. Erythromycin

c. Tetracycline

d. Lomefloxacin


*50. HIV transmission M/C

a. During delivery

b. I Trimester

c. II Trimester

d. III Trimester


*51. In HIV with pregnancy which drug is given to treat a fetus developing HIV following transmission from mother?

a. Lamivudine

b. Starudine

c. Nevirapine



52. For stopping hemopump supernal artery

a. Right visceral rotation

b. Left visceral rotation

c. Caudal rotation

d. Cranial rotation


53. Schwartz method of GFR in children is independent of

a. Body mass

b. Age

c. renal f



*54. Long term malnutrition

a. MAC

b. Body wt

c. Body wt & linear growth



55. Carcinoid of true except?

a. Small intestine

b. M/C tumor of small bowel

c. M/C site is duodenum

d. Carcinoid is small intestine is associated with lung carcinoid


56. Polyp not associated with malignancy is

a. Juvenile polyp

b. Juvenile polyposis

c. FAP

d. PTS


*57. PAP smear carcinoma in situ is diagnosed next logical step is:

a. Colposcopy & biopsy

b. Conization

c. Total hysterectomy



58. Following genetic counselling in a family for FPC next screening test ---

a. APC gene

b. Flexible sigmoidoscopy

c. Colonoscopy



59. In preg with hypothyroidism not seen

a. PIH

b. Preterm

c. Polyhy dramnios

d. Recure abortions


60. Turbulence of blood flow is more if

a. ¯ viscosity

b. ­ dia

c. Reynold no < 2000



61. Acute pancreatitis severity associated with all except:

a. Glucose

b. Ca++

c. Amylase

d. Transaminases


62. VSD, B/L small eyes, cleft lip, cleft palate is associated with:

a. Trisomy 18

b. Trisomy 13

c. Trisomy 21



63. Chills & rigors like malaria occurs in which poisoning

a. Arsenic

b. Red P

c. Mg

d. Hg


64. For renal stone what helps

a. Raspberry juice

b. Grape

c. Orange

d. Craneberry juice


65. Transient amneria loss of memory

a. Ethionamide

b. Z

c. H

d. R


66. M/C in DM with pregnancy is

a. NTD’s

b. Cardiovascular anomalies

c. Congenital malformations



67. Hyperglycemia in late pregnancy associated with

a. Macrosomia

b. Post inaturnty


d. Cong abnormalies


68. b thalassemia, M/C chromosomal abnormality.

a. 6/9 dele

b. 3.7 dele


69. S. Fe ­ , S. ferritin ­, TIBC ¯, % saturation ­

a. Siderblastic anemia

b. A of chronic disease

c. Fe def anemia




70. AML poor prognosis associated

a. Monosomy 7

b. Inv. 16

c. t (8, 21)

d. CELLS with normal genotype



71. Childhood blindness associated with all except:

a. Glaucoma

b. Malnutrition

c. Chr. Dacryocystitis

d. Ophthalmia neonatorum


72. CV punc abnormality

a. RA

b. AS

c. Barilan gsympomatic invergnaha



73. Retinal transmission is:

a. Best syndrome

b. Bridel

c. B. K

d. Glane a pathy


74. Trgone of bladder, not true à

a. Smooth mucosa

b. Loosely attached to underlying muscle

c. Transitional epithelium lines it

d. It is a remant of mesonephric duct opening into post grogenital sinus


75. C- C chemokines is:

a. Eotaxin,

b. ILE





*76. Ham’s test for

a. Mannose binding protein

b. GPI anchor

c. Spherocytosis 

d. PNH


*77.  Brucellosis can be transmitted by all of the following modes, except:

a. Contact with infected placenta

b. Ingestion of raw vegetables from infected farms

c. Person to person transmission

d. Inhalation of infected dust or aerosol


*78. Lice are not the vectors of:

a. Relapsing fever

b. Q fever

c. Trench fever

d. Epidemic typhus


*79. Direct standardization is used to compare the mortality rates between two countries. This is done because of the difference in:

a. Causes of death

b. Numerators

c. Age distributions

d. Denominators


*80. Which one of the following method is used for the estimation of the chlorine demand of water?

a. Chlorometer

b. Horrock’s apparatus

c. Berkfeld filter

d. Double pot method


*81. You have diagnosed a patient clinically as having SLE and ordered 6 tests. Out of which 4 tests have come positive and 2 are negative. To determine the probability of SLE at this point, you need to know:

a. Prior probability of SLE; sensitivity and specificity of each test

b. Incidence of SLE and predicitive value of each test

c. Incidence and prevalence of SLE

d. Relative risk of SLE in this patient


82.  A patient admitted to an ICU is on central venous line for the last one week. He is on ceftazidime and amikacin. After 7 days of antibiotics he develops a spike of fever an his blood culture is positive for gram positive cocci in chains, which are catalase negative. Following this, vancomycin was started but the culture remained positive for the same organism even after 2 weeks of therapy. The most likely organism causing infection is:

a. Staphylococcus aureus

b. Viridans streptococci

c. Enterococcus faecalis

d. Coagulase negative staphylococcus


83.  With reference to bacterioides fragilis the following statements are true, except:

a. B. fragilis is the same frequent anaerobe isolated from clinical samples

b. B. fragilis is not uniformaly sensitive to metronidazole

c. The lipopolysaccharide formed by B. fragilis is structurally and functionally different from the conventional endotoxin

d. Shock and disseminated intravascular coagulation are common in bacteroides bacteremia


*84. Treatment of choice for glue ear is

a Medical treatment

b Myringotomy with grommet

c Myringotomy


85. Muscular dystrophies associated with all except

a Dystrophinopathies

b Sarcoglycanopathies

c. Dysferlinopathies



86.  bankart’s lesion involves stripping of glenoidal labrum from

a. Anterior part

b. Anterio superior part

c. Anterio inferior part

d. Posteriorosuperior part


*87. In which of the following heart disease maternal mortality is found to be highest?

a. Elesenmenger’s complex

b. Coarctation of aorta

c. Mitral stenosis

d. Aortic stenosis


88. about oculomotor nerve true is all except

a. Causes constriction of pupil

b. Carries postganglionic parasympathetic fibres

c. Supplies inferior oblique muscle


*89. Oculomotor n. Palsy, doesn’t lead of:

a. Miosis

b. Ptosis

c. Lateral deviation of eye

d. Diplopia


90. Steroid resistant NS associated with which gene


b. PAX



*91. Nephrotic range proteinuria occurs in

a. Focal segmental glomerulosclerosis

b. Nodular glomerulosclerosis

c. Membranous glomerulosclerosis




92.In 1st TM aneuplady is D by:

a. Nuchal transtnency

b. CRL




93. PUFA consumption associated with

a. Low chol, low LDL chol

b. Low chol, high LDL chol




94. Eicosapentaenoic is maximum is

a. Soyabeans

b. Corn oil

c. Fish oil



95. Mother – breast milk contains

a. Docosahexaenoic with

b. Linoleic acid

c. Arachidonic acid




96. For revised cataract surgeries all are approaches except:

a. Uniform Disl but

b. Regular follow up

c. Fixed place surgical treatment

d. mobile surgical camps


97. NA, Adr, Seroturim dopamine

a. Fair pass gated R

b. Are pass gated R

c. Seven pass Gated R

d. Ligand pass gated R


98. Collagen type IV a5 chain à helps in ‘D

a. Thin basement membrane disease

b. Alport syndrome




99. Post cmciate lig

a. Prevent post

b. Desplacement of Tibia


100. Serum Ta 140, LDL-600

a. Tender xanthomas

b. Plantar xanthomas

c. Tuberoeruptive xanthomas

d. Lipemia retinalis


101. Duromanab – RA SLE osteoporosis


a. Dosemomab a monoclona

b. Antibody, that combines

c. Rank with rank ligand is used for treatment of




102. MRSA all given except:

a. Vancomycin

b. Cotrimoxazole

c. Cefactor

d. Ciprofloxalin


103. Pus cells true but organism absent on grams stain is:

a. Chlamydia

b. Gonorrhoea




*104. Absence seizers drug of choice is:

a. Gabapentine

b. Topiramate

c. Phenytoin

d. valproic acid


105. Class Ic antiarrhythmic

a. Encainide Flecainide

b. Tocainide

c. Propafename



106. In a study consum of antiasthmatic drug & ­ death seen in UK is seen from 1960 – 1975

a. Exp-study

b. Cohort

c. Ecological

d. Case reference study


107. Best study

a. Ranadamsed CT densle blinod

b. Retrospective cohort study





108.  Child preseting with obst jaundice all ­ except:

a. Gamma Glutamyl transferase

b. Glutamate dehydrogenase

c. Alk phosphatase

d. 5’ nucleosidase


*109. Any loss or abnormality of psychological, physiological or anatomical structure or function:

a. Impairment

b. Disability

c. Handicap



110. In arterial end of cap, filbra is d/t

a. Low oncotic pr of capillary

b. low oncotic pr of intersituna

c. high hydrostatic pr of intersitur

d. high hydrostatic pr of cap


111. Acid phosphatase stains

a. Monocyte

b. B Lymphocyte

c. T Lymphocyte

d. Myelocyte


112.  Cy Br. Green Dye is used for:


b. Immunofluorescent

c. PCR



*113. Pancytopemia with bone marrow cellularity all except:

a. G6PD def.

b. Myelodysplasia

c. PNH

d. Megaloblastic anemia


114. In Ra antibody found is:

a. IgM RF

b. Anticep antibodies

c. IgG AB



115. Anti apoptotic gene is:

a. BAX

b. BAD

c. BCL – XL



116. Only neuron involved in

a. spinocerebellar ataxia

b. Progressine supramuclear palsy




*117. Doc in OCD – 

a. Imipramine

b. Fluoxetine


118. No haematoma in CT scan only basilar compression multiple focal hemo. Spots in brain panenclyma, Pt has sugar of Ext. ing and unconscious

a. urebral cantusion

b. urebral lacera

c. mulliple infarcts

d. Diffuse exanal ing


119. True is

a. agar for nutrition

b. Nutrient broth basal

c. Choc. Gas is selective

d. When selective agent added to solidmed à enrichment


120. Hypothermia associated with all except:

a. Cendiac arrythma

b. ­peri. Resistance

c. Impaired renal function



121. M/C site of pigmented villonodular synovitis

a. Ankle

b. Shoulder

c. Knee



122. Retro orbital tumor / mass proptosis

a. No brnit / thriu

b. ­en bending forward,

c. compressible


123. Echogene hypoechoene mass true is

a. orbital encephalocele

b. orbital varix

c. neurofibromatosis

d. av fistula


124.  Cong. Torticollis true is all except:

a. 2/3 cases, sternomastoid mass palpable

b. Plagiocephaly

c. Spontaneous resolution

d. Always associated with breech presentation


125. Mycosis fungoides not true

a. M/C cutaneons lymphama

b. Paubier’s abscess

c. curable

d. Erythroderma present


126. Acetycation is mechanism for all except:

a. INH

b. Procainamide

c. Dapsone

d. Me tochlopramde


127. Bullous lesion in newborn, periostiis test to be done in mother is:

a. Mother test





128. Loading dose depends on:

a. Ronte of aden

b. Clearance

c. Volume of distribution 

d. t ½


129. Most chemo resistent

a. Synonal saccoma

b. Osteosancema

c. Malig fibram histocylosema

d. Sarcoma


130. Depressed EEG drugs

a. Ketamine

b. Hypothermia

c. Early hypoxia



131. Small bowel concinod is:

a. Commonest tumor of small bowel

b. Most common site for caveinaid is decodenum




132. Hypoten occury during S. cord injury is due to:

a. Loss of para sympathic

b. Loss of sympathic

c. Vasovagal syncope 

d. Orthostatic hypotension


133. For syncope – least diagnostic will beà

a. Pet scan

b. Electrophysiologial test

c. Till table test

d. Holter monitdring test


134. Fungus is biopsy stain is:

a. Maner

b. Alzarian red

c. Pas

d. Polychrome methylen blue


135. Doc in multiple sclerosis

a. IFN a

b. IFN b

c. IFN g

d. Intiliximab


136. Newborn with CHF not respending to Rx

a.  transcianial hypolchic

b. midline mass

c. enlarged left ventricle

d. arachanid cyst


*137. A chlild 3 yrs doesn’t interact, speech difficulty normal milestones plays alone difficult to corelatate relates

a. Autish

b. Mental retardation

c. Specific learning disability


138. In high attitude, pulmonary oeduma:

a. Not exacerbated by exercise

b. Related to pulmonary oedema

c. Occurs only in unacclimatized person



139. In hormone replacement therapy all occur except:

a. hot flushes 

b. coronary vascular disease




140. Uterine prolapse prevented by all except:

a. Utero sacral ligament

b. Broad

c. Pubococcygeal

d. Mackenrodt


141. Which of following pigments are involved in free radical injury

a. Lipofuscin

b. Melamin

c. Prilirubin

d. Hematin


*142. Which bacteria acts by mechanism of CAMP antivation

Ans: V. cholerae


143. Young man, uretheral discharge which has no organism but only pus cells. Diagnosis should be done on:

a. Thiragen martin

b. Mc coy cell


144. A person consumer peanut, following which he has sudden hoarseness, stridor

Ans: Angioneurotic odeum


*145. H/O of asthama in mother, her child has severe itching, sudden onset macule, papule ­ in summer:

a. Atopic dermatites

b. Infections eczematoid dermatitis


146. Creatimine clearance < 10 mg%, which is not given

a. Amikacin

b. Rifampicin

c. Vancomycin

d. Amphotericin



147. In fibroid red degeneration occur in:

a. Ist trimester

b. IInd

c. IIIrd

d. Puerperium


*148. Drug for long term maintenance of morphine with drawl

a. Methadone


*149. Benzodiazepnic antagonist

a. Flumazenil


*150. Cervical vertebral can be easily differentiated from thorasic vertebral by:

a. Foramen trans vertarium


151. Barret oesophagus is diagnosed by:

a. Intestnial metaplasia

b. Squamous metaplasia

c. Columnar metaplasia


152. A child presents with B/L deafness and recurrent VRTI. Which surgery should be done

a. Adenoidectomy

b. Adenoidectomy with grommet

c. Myrnigotomy with grommet


*153. Which ATT not given in pregnancy:

a. S                                       b. H

c. Z                                       d. R


*154. Prognosis in head injury is best given by:

a. GC scale

b. CT head

c. age of patient


155. Morgagian hernia passer through

a. Post left part of diaphragm

b. Post right part of diaphragm

c. Ant left part of diaphragm

d. Ant right part of diaphragm


156. Post transplant lympho-proliferative lymphemia cells are:

a. NK cell

b. Nall cell

c. T cell

d. B cell


157. a hemolytic streptococcus URTI, to prove:

a. Bacitracin sensitivity

b. Optochin  sensitivity

c. Bile solubility

d. Catalase positivity


158. 25-yrs-old female, LL weakness, spacticity, urinary hesitancy, middorsal intradural enhancing mass seen in MRI o/e dorsal myelopathy

a. Intradural lipoma

b. Meningoma

c. Dermoid cyst

d. Neuroepithelial cyst


159. Hyaluromic acid is found in:

a. Vitreous humour



160. Adjunct chemotherapy has a definite role in cancer of a. Oerophagus

b. Colon


*161. Metabolic abnormality seen in congemital pyloric stenosis

a. Hypokalemic metabolic alkalosis


*162. A patient present with massive hematemesis with spleen enlarge:

a. PHT

b. Duodenal ulcer

c. Gastric ulcer


*163. Carey coomb murmur all is true except:

a. AR

b. Diastolic

c. Low pitched

d. acute rheumatic fever


164. Fungus is biopsy, stain is:

a. Polychrome methylene blue

b. PAS

c. Alzarin red

d. Manson


165. True about branchial cyst

a. Associated with 2nd arch

b. Branchial sinus is more common

c. During surgery removal of branchial is not necessary



166. Which passes posterior to diaphragm

a. Aorta

b. Thorasic duct

c. Azygom vein

d. Greater splenchnic nerve


167. For syncope least diagnostic will be:

a. PET scan

b. Holter monitoring

c. Electrophystological study

d. T. 4 table test


*168. Persistently low C3 is not seen in:

a. Ans: Post streptococcal GN


169. Painless hematuria in a 60 yrs man

a. USG KUB                                     

b. Urine R/M

c. Plain x-ray

d. Urine microscopy for malignant cells


170. Golgi tendon

a. Measures tention length dynamic

b. Measures tention length static

c. Sends signal to a neurone of  same muscle


171. A 6-yrs-old child with 50% IQ

a. Color can be taught

b. Ride a bicycle

c. Draw a triangle

d. Sentence read


172. Cystosolic cytochrome – c is used in elution chain

a. Necrosis

b. Apoplosis


173. Agranular ER function is:

a. Lipid synthesis

b. Protein synthesis

c. Carbohydrate synthesis


174. Most chemo resistant

a. Synovial sarcoma

b. Osteo sarcoma

c. Malignant fibroma histocysto sarcoma

d. Alveolar soft tissue sarcoma


175. Depressed EEG changes

a. Ketamine

b. Hypothermia

c. Early hypoxia


176. Mean arterial pressure


177. Enterohepatic circulation occur with which NSAID

a. Aspirin

b. Phemylbutazone

c. Proxicam

d. Ibuprefem


178. In breech after coming head least abstruction by:

a. Extended head

b. Incompetence of cervix dilatation


179. Eicosapantenoic acid:

a. Soyabean oil

b. Corn oil

c. Fish oil


180. In Ist trimester, ansencephaly is diagnosed by:

a. Nuchal franshmency

b. CRL


181. PUFA conscumption associated with

a. Low cholesterol, low LDL

b. Low cholesterol high HDL


182. Steroid resistant nephrotic syndrome is associated with which gene?


b. PAX



*183.  Nephrotic range proteinuria occurs is:


b. Nodular GS

c. Membranous GN


184. B/L reflex nephropathy associated acute PN


185. C- C chemokine is:

a. Eotaxin is IL – 8


186. Trigone of bladder, not true

a. Smooth mucose

b. loosely attached to underlying muscle

c. transitional epithalial liming

d. It is a remnant of mesonephrine duct opening into post urogenital sims


*187. All of the following indication are included in physical quality of life india (PQLI) except:-

a. Infant mortality rate

b. Life expentancy at age one

c. Literacy rate

d. Per capita income


188. Loading dose depends on

a. Route of administration

b. Clearance

c. t ½

d. volume of distribution


189. Acetylation is mechanism for all except:

a. INH

b. Dapsone

c. Procainamide

d. Meta chlorpropamide


190. Bullous lesion is a new both baby having periostitis, test to be done is mother is:



191. All are true about point source epidemic except:

a. It may have two peace’s

b. Sharp rise & sharp fall

c. Occurs within a single I. P.



NOTE: Charcot joint is seen in all the three above conditions so choice ‘d’ should be the answer:


192. Steroid bind to which receptor of DNA

a. Zinc junction molif

b. leuceine zipper molif

c. Haliz helix

d. Histamine


193. 40 mm gap between & tropocollagen is for which molecule so as to allow deposition in bone

a. Ca2+



*194. Acute pancreatitis severity associated with all except:

a. Glucose

b. Ca+2

c. Amylase

d. Transminases


195. For renal stone what helps

a. Raspberry juice

b. Grape

c. Orange

d. Craneberry juice


196. Hyperglycemia is late pregnancy associated with:

a. Macrosomia

b. Post maturity


d. Congenital abnormality


197. b thalassemia  M/C chromosomal abnormality

a. 6/9 deletion

b. 3/ 7 delation

c. Inversion


198. S. Fe ­, S. Ferritin ­, TIBC¯

a. Rideroblastic anemia

b. Anemia of chromic disease

c. Fe dificiency anemia


199. AML poor prognotic associated with:

a. Monosomy 7

b. INV 16

c. t (8, 21)

d. Cells with normal gemotype


200.Childhood blindness associated with all except:

a. Glaucoma

b. Ophthalmic neonatorum

c. Chromia dacrocystitis

d. Malmtrition


201. VSD with B/L small eyes, left lip, left palate, is associated with

a. Trisomy 18

b. 13

c. 21


202. Only neuron involved in

a. Spinocerebellar ataxia

b. Progressive suplamilear plasy


203. Tumour showing dural enhancement with a tail is:

a. Medulloblastoma

b. Maningiome


204. The smooth endoplasmic reticuleem helps in the metabolism of the following:-

a. Vitamine

b.  Protein

c. Carbohydrate

d. lipid


205. Hypothermia associated with all except:

a. Arrythmic

b. ­ peripherual resistance

c. Impaired renal function


206. M/C site of pigmented villonodular

a. Ankle                               b. Shoulder

c. Knee                                d. MTP joint


207. Cy br green dye in used for:


b. Immunofluorescent

b. PCR




208. In Ra, antibody formed is

a. IgM RF

b. IgG RF

c. Anti CCP ab


209. Antiapoptotic gene is:

a. BAX

b. BAD

c. BCL – XL


210. Acid phosphatase stasis

a. Monocyte

b. b lymphocytic

c. T lymphocyte

d. Myelocyte


211. Which one of the following is not class Ic anti arrhythmic agent?

a. Propafenone

b. Tocainide

c. Encanide

d. Flicanide


212. Mechanism of “criminal abortion” –

a. Infection & inflame action of endometrium 

b. uterine contraction

c. Placental separation

d. Stimulation of nerve


213. The “Knot” in judicial hanging is placed at:-

a. The back of the neck

b. The side of the neck

c. Below the chin


Note: Both b & c are correct but c is better choice


214. To send a blood sample for estimation of blood glucose level, following agent is used –

a. E. D. T. A

b. Potassium – oxalate

c. K – oxalate + NaF

d. K – oxalate + NaI


215. 239.  Which of the following polyp has least chance to develop colon CA-

a. Fomilial adeno matious polyp

b. Juvenile polyp

c. Peut – Jaggar polyp



216. Which are of the following is true about xenon anesthesia ?

a. Sloo induction, slow reconery

b. Rapid induction, slow rapid reconery




*217. Which os the following maternal Heart disease cause highest mortality during pregnancy?

a. MS

b. As

c. AR

d. Eisen menger’s


218. True about glogi tendon reflex:

a. Occurs when ms is in contracted state

b. Occurs when ms is in relaxed state

c. Innervated leg a motor neurons


 *219. HRT is helpful in all of the following except:

a. Vaginal atrophy

b. Flushing

c. Osteo porosis

d. Ca breast


220. Which of the following NSAID is metabolized leg liver:

a. AS pirin

b. Pheyl Butazone

c. Ibuprofen

d. Piroxicam


221. Which of the following is a diaphyseal bone tumour

a. Osteosarcoma

b. Chondro blastoma

c. G.C.T.

d. Euring sarcoma


222. Poor prognostic marker of AML

a. Inv  (16)

b. t ( 8 : 21)

c. t (15:17)

d. inv (3)


*223. True statement about pityriasis rosea

a. If left untreated it may progness to v. severe cond

b. It is a self limiting disorder

c. Associated with outer systemic involvement


224. Immediate complication after Iliostomy –

a. Obstruction

b. Diarrhoea

c. Infection



225. If a bact. Is resistant to a drug which inhibits cell wall synthesis, it will be resistant to –

a. Cefepime

b. Erythromycin

c. Tetacyclin

d. Ciprofloxacin


226. The posteior cruciae ligament prevents

a. Ant. Displacement of the knee joint

b. posterior displacement of the knee joint

c. Lateral displacement of the knee joint


227. A baby presented with profused umbilical cord bleeding after birth. Probably diagnosis is:-

a. Factor x defi

b. factor xiii defi

c. VWD


228. Which is a benign polyp

a. Juvenile polyposis

b. FAP

c. PJS


229. “Rheumatoid Factor” is of following type –

a. IgM

b. IgG

c. IgA


230. True regarding b plated sheets of  a myloid-

a. Stained by congo red & gives +ve lrireforngence on polariased light

b. Stained by olired – o


231. A pt. presented with jaundice and H/o passing clay coloured stool. The following enzymes will be elevated except:

a. 5’ nucleotidase

b. ALP

c. g - GT

d. d - ALA


232. A pt presented with painless haematuria flowing investigation has to be done: -

a. x-ray KUB

b. USG of HUB

c. Urine culture


233. Breast cancer is least commonly associated with –

a. BRCA – I

b. BRCA – II

c. Her – 2 – nec.

d. P – 53































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