Later Daze Links
Other Local Bands
Drive- a cool band that hails from the same town as us. So check em out!
Stand Alone- another band from Tinton Falls NJ, more metal.
Severed Hand- kick ass thrash metal punk thingy four peice band that gave us our first show.  thanks guys.
Teim- why not? they have a cool logo
Blink182- what can i say, Mark Tom and Travis, the triforce of pop-punk.
Green Day- if anyone else is cooler than Tre Cool the world has probably ended.
311- funky fresh grooves and Omaha stylee is what they bring
SUM-41- Canadas best at work here.
Mest- Milwaukee's best, hence the name Mest, cool.
Drive-Thru- sweet record cmpany check the bands out
H2O- NYC Hardcore punk, represent.
More links soon
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