Swamp Crackers Website
Poetry Website
West GA
My brother's webpage



Hi, I'm Shannon. Most people just call me "Sam". Anyway, I guess I should tell ya a little about myself! I love to write, poetry is more than a hobby for me! I also enjoy reading and painting. Don't worry, that doesn't mean I suck completely! I still enjoy having a good time, love to laugh and enjoy being MYSELF! I'm a 20 yr. female from GA...married since this past August to the most amazing man in the world! I love the ocean and the mountains. I could die a happy woman in either of those places!
Writing - Poerty and short stories
Reading (anything with a twist!) I love the
Left Behind Series. I also enjoy Dean Koontz, Nora Roberts, Sandra Brown, JD Robb, and other such as these.
Josh-my little brother by 18 months. Owner of Swamp Crackers Inc, and it's co-companies. Great website...check it out!!

Gary- The postal father...seriously! He's a postal worker in a rural town not far from where I live. He's definatly one of a kind! Loves the Waffle House and has a very strange sense of humor!

Cathy- Mom's...she loves to be outside, loves the SUN, hates the cold. She works in a PR firm in Atlanta.

Kyler & Dave- little brothers-in-laws (6 & 9 yrs old). Enough said! :)
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