Latchkey Kids Live, on March 1, 2003! With the B-Movie Stuntmen, Chad Fell Down, Class A Zeroes, and Catfink and Hot Mustard! At Apparition Food Court!
Here's two pictures of the band rockin' out. Look at us go.
And that one there is of Tim. Notice how the stripes on his shirt match his bass. Rad.
This is a very cool picture I doctored up on my computer. Neato.
Here's the B-Movie Stuntmen running around and bein' all crazy. Jeez.
I think the person who took this was kneeling down, but at any rate it's a cool pic where you can see Joe's shoes and not his head. Check out the drum set graciously loaned to us by the drummer of Class A Zeroes!
And here's one of Joe. He must have been hungry but the microphone wasn't tasty.
You can save this one to your harddrive and blackmail Joe for it. Well, I dunno if you could blackmail him for it... if you notice that jacket is way too tight and he's being embraced by a male and holding a big silver bullet... But his lovely girlfriend is there too, so I guess it's alright. Hmm. On that note we'll end this picture show. Until next time!
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