December 20, 2002 Picture Sho'
Whooohoo! Look at us rockin'
Here's two of our lovely fans. This was taken outside at the Goodyear Tire parking lot before the show. Hey, you can write down that guy's liscense plate number and stalk him!!! What fun.
Did you ever want to know what it's like to be John? Or, rather, a gnat on John's shoulder while he's playing? Well now you can find out with this horribly close photograph.
Now here is a fine photograph if I ever saw one. It's Mike and Kristina. What cute kids. And it looks like they're being very serious about, well, I don't know. About something. Look at Mike. Looks like he's serious enough to be a lawyer or something. And she looks swept off her feet like in Gone to the Wind or soemthing or another. Fun times. This was inside apparition at some point.
Now this, see this is just freaky. Look at that. Just look at that big beam of light in Apparition. Looks like, well, an Apparition! Get it. Ahahahahahahaha. Oh well. Man. I can't get over that one.
Look at that. We are r o c k i n.
Now this one just confuses the heck out of me. Look at the criss-crossed lines, there, that there's the ceiling. And the floral print, that there's the wall. So at what angle is Tim standing, and, for that matter, Mike, the photographer, how did he take this? And is it rotated the right way. Crazy nuts. Just crazy. Things like that make me wanna go jive dance. (Don't ask).
Here's another one of Tim, and John's in the background, too. He's playin his bass there lookin' all cool. Yep. Good picture, eh?
Here's another pic of our lovely fans. Hmm. Wait a minute. I don't really know if they're actually fans, but they were at the show and Mike took a picture of them. Wait. Emma's in the pic. She's a fan. But I don't even know who those other kids are. Man. Well, good pic anyway. And the background has all these other Apparition pics and I bet
we're in some of them, too!
And here's a picture of Joe, rockin' out with his Dr. Seuss Grinch tie. (Since, you know, it is Christmas and all)
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