Andy Hall, Shelley Hicklin, Karen Lumos, Rick Polney:

Andy, Shelley, Karen, and Rick are four of the most popular local Las Vegas poets. They are seasoned readers and regularly participate in literary events in the Las Vegas Valley. They can be found at open mikes every Wednesday at the Enigma Garden Cafe, every Friday at Pierce Street Annex on Flamingo and Cambridge, and every Saturday at Borderlines in the Borders Bookstore on Decatur and Sahara. All four have been featured readers at numerous events and placed 1, 2, 3, 4 at the annual Las Vegas Poetry Slam Competition.

The four have great respect for each other's talents and their exchange of ideas at Rick's weekly poetry work shop led to a decision to release a chapbook together. It was hard work (as can be seen from the photograph on the right), but the process was complete in time for a glorious debut at Rick's feature reading on June 9, 2000. By the following Wednesday, the first printing of the chapbook was completely sold out. A second printing (which gave them the opportunity to correct all misspelled names and all misformatted poems) went on sale June 17. The four talented individuals are a bit overwhelmed by their accomplishment,but are also extremely happy and thankful to all the people who bought their book.

Andy, Shelley, Karen, and Rick will not stay together very long. Being in their mid-to-late 20's, they all have plans for the future. For three of them these plans mean leaving Vegas for a couple of years -- Rick and Shelley are going to Temple University where Rick will pursue his Master's in English Literature; Andy will be a Master's student in Northern Arizona University. Karen, who received her Master's in English with emphasis in creative writing from UNLV, will remain in town for a while to concentrate on her writing.

Before any of them leave, they plan a tour of Sothern California and as many performances in Las Vegas as they manage to fit in their busy schedules. All this in conjunction with promotions for the chapbook, of course. If you are interested in learning more about this foursome, browse these pages (which include detailed bios, poetry samples and photos), then sign the guestbook, and drop them a line at [email protected]. They'll also let you know how to get your own copy of "Subverse Inverse Reverse Perverse" -- the hottest selling chapbook in Las Vegas.

Karen and Andy, along with three other local poets have been invited to Sacramento to participate in a two-day arts festival. The promotional page tells the whole story.

Here are some samples of their poetry.

Read what others have to say about these poets.

See the revealing pictures!

NEW!!! The Infamous L.A. Romp and Andy's take on it!

NEWER!!! Rick's Farewell Party at Borders

For more information and more poems visit the SpeakEasy Index of Las Vegas Poets

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Created 15 June 2000
Updated 26 July 2000

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