Halloween '01
Check out all the good fun and insanity......hey at least its not retox!!  Wait what am i talking about, retox is a blessing, everyone should praise and welcome retox!!
Honestly, i dont know how to describe Jay and Colby.  I think they really might dress like this, Halloween was just an excuse to go out in public like this.
I think Jay and Colby were Hittin on Cleatus and Earl because they wanted our Skoal!!!!! Actually i think i heard Jay say at one point "Hey its not mentol, but its close enough. i just gotta have a dude who tastes like menthol!!"
Cleatus' and Earl's trip to the Big City
Here Cleatus mis-took Jay for his cousin Bobby Sue, Cleatus thought he was gonna get lucky......he did though.....he later stated " I done Figured you woulda been a better sleepin with than my sheep!"  Jay then retorted with " Ehh dont worry Cleat, ive had better sheep too"
Cleatus was shocked by the amazing technology of these 'cameras' everyone had
Noah and Seth...the evenings stock Guru's
I TOLD ALL OF YOU DAVE MATHEWS WAS GAY!!!!!!!!!  (PJ is supposed to be Dave Mathews)
Hold it Noah and Seth just got a nice stock tip! I think theyre having their people call each others people.
OHHHHHHH NOOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seth trying to advise Cleatus' and Earl's cousin Big Pete on a blue-chip buy.  Big Pete is still confused on the fact that newspaper exists, not to mention there are those things called words in them.
Almost all the Letterman, with the exception of backwards man, i mean Evan.  I dont even have to make up a witty remark for this one, words cant even describe this.
HERES BACKWARDS MAN.  Keep up the good work evan, i think one more year and youll have the record for most consecutive years in a row to wear the same costume!!
Kai and Erik ....... or should i say Erik and Kai
I cant find the high speed quad lift, i just wanna hit that 720-double-mistyflip-indy-grind!!!!
Huhu DUDE!!......cleavage!!
Worst Costume of the night........you pick
Cleatus found someone who resembles his sister.........he's happy!!  Now he just has to try to milk her.
These lady bugs are on the prowl for two man bugs...... what are man bugs??......... and can lady bugs prowl??
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