T H I N G S  T H A T  H A P P E N E D  O R  WILL
H A P P E N  I N  T H E  N E A R  F U T U R E OR 
J U S T 
E R  T O C A L L  IT  T O  C A L L  I T  T O C A L

23) 03) 2006)
happy new year (2005).
happy new year (2006).

The Czech Art Collective is planning to make a sublime re-appearance (after its OD death and its subsequent mysterious revival and mysterious disappearance; making use of the means supplied by this space continuing to exist and survive on the world wide web. 

The new design will feature: pics instead of low-key windows paint drawings, all produced by the Czech Art Collective.

The Czech Art collective is looking for new mermbers as the old ones died in a rare case of food poisoning (involving ice cream: vanilla and other things).

if you're no spam robot, please continue to express your feelings of gratitude (and related stuff) in the guest book (one word). 

If you ARE a spam robot: away! away!


05] 08] 2004]

Happy new year.
Happy newyear.

The Czech Art Collective revived shortly after noon due to abrupt temperature change somewhere near the kitchen/chicken.

The opening reception to the opening reception will be rescheduled some time later this year.

19] 9] 2003
While driving a car, please avoid the Christmas trees in front of your eyes for your own safety.

A glass that contains mainly water.
A glass that mainly contains water.

Mind the step

11] 9] 200
The Czech Art Collective: OD on Tea - five dead.

The opening reception will be opened by an other reception some time later this year.

Please stop putting your bikes against my art nouveau facade. I am very sorry if you fail to see the historical importance of Art Nouveau, but that is just the way things are and should be.  No bik

6] 9] 200
Notwithstanding our prohibition, The Czech Art Collective have resumed their tea drinking act from now untill Eternity.  Ame

3] 9] 200
Nobody switched the light on, so it remained dark all day.

The Czech Art Collective has stopped drinking tea.

Pooh bear is still lost.  Please go out in the woods & look for him.  Pooh bear, if you read this, come back!  The L R P B needs your spiritual guidance in the process of developing its project.

All spelling & grammar errors are errors by mistake.  Nobody should be blamed or sued for the

31] 8] 200
The Czech Art Collective drinks tea

4] 8] 200
Miss Spears has confirmed to attend the already notorious L R P B opening reception in Poland on a sunday afternoon in a park near a bench.  According to our source she will be unrecognizably disguised as a Czech farmer.  But this information remains at the moment of writing unconfirmed; there
fore the L R P B board has decided to label it as a "rumour" or "rumor".

Remarks about the "fucked up" alligment need to be directed to www.geocities.com and not to the   L R P B board. 

1] 8] 200
The opening reception of L R P B will take place somewhere in Poland on a sunday afternoon in
a park near a bench.  Please bring your own lemonade and cake.  Dinner will be served at 3 PM.No dogs or children allowed.  We are not responsible of food intoxications or of lemonade spots on your tuxedo or cocktail dress.  go hom
back to where you belong
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