

Call me all kinds of names!


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 Cheat on me once shame on you. Cheat on me twice, shame on me. She tried to make me feel bad about myself every waking hour of the day. How I should work harder to make more money so I could take her here and take her there. How other men had bought new cars for their girlfriends but I guess she'll have to get by with here used car. I should have called here Mo, cause everything I gave her she want MO!

I asked her to marry me, thinking this would be a gift of love. Wrong! She said I didn't make enough money to marry her and couldn't afford to give her all the things she wanted. She said at one time that she would love me forever. When I asked her ,"What about what you said." Her answer was, "Forever is as long as I say it is."

I would have forgiven all this had she not cheated on me. Not once, but twice! Now I'm ober her for good and the memories will be saved in the' lost but not forgotten files'.

P.S. I hope you and the short guitar player find happiness and a nice double-wide mobile home  with a redwood deck.


You could tease me till I’m red, choke me till I’m blue
Neither one would be enough to make me leave you
Call me all kinds of names play all types of games
But that’s not what it takes, if you want my heart to break All you got to do is,
 Cheat  (cheat) cheat on me (cheat on me) it’s so easy to see
      All you got to do is cheat (cheat) cheat on me (cheat on  me) That’s what it takes
      To make this heart break, cheat on me
You could take all my money and never call me honey
Try to get on my nerves, even if I don’t deserve it.
Call me all kinds of name play all types of games
But that’s not what it takes, if you want my heart to break
      All you got to do is cheat  (cheat) cheat on me (cheat on me) it’s so easy to see
      All you got to do is cheat (cheat) cheat on me (cheat on me) That’s what it takes
      To make this heart break, cheat on me


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