Thing you should expect to see:

This new page will be dedicated to the remake of the old film here are afew of the things that the page will look into:

There's new script, location and a whole new wardrobe department making the film bigger and better this time around; also with a new cast  and we'll be bringing a professional touch to the screen.
Not something you will want to miss!
I would like to apologies for the quality of the images my scanner appears to be dying
Full cast
Lady Guinevere and Sir Lancelot
Sadly Peter couldn't make it to the re-shoot (although he does make a camio appearence!)  luckily we managed to rope in Mark who took on the part as the leading man:
Sir Lancelot
Since these picture's were taken we have been out on location and re-filmed all of the medieval scenes and we would now like to take a moment to introduce some of our new cast members
Left to right:
Dot as Lowery, Emily as Isolde, Cindy as Igraine, Tony as Arthur, Lyndsay as Guinevere, Peter as Lancelot, Annmarie as Gwendolyn and Albert as Tristan
Guinevere and Lancelot
Matthew has join our cast taking over from Albert in the part of Tristan.

And maybe not a new member but a new name for Annmarie, nolonger Gwendolyn now its Rosalind.
Tristan and Isolde
Annmarie as Rosalind
And of couse our new location: Plas Newydd farm, Holywell North Wales.
Our cast now!!!
Left to Right: Cindy:Igraine, Tony: Arthur,
Matthew: Triatan, Mark: Lancelot, Lyndsay: Guinevere, Emily: Isolde and Dot as Lowery.
The Remake
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