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The Sword Fight scene!
I don't think Annmarie was all to happy about the fact that yet again she had to go into makeup to be transform into a man for our sword fight scene!
After the girls had finished in hair and makeup I had to make sure that they knew their swordfight sequence so as there would be no accidents. (I have to say Lyndsay is very scary when she's coming at you with a very large battle ready sword and an evil smirk on her face!!!)
Ready for Battle
The girls did an excellent job swordfighting, and we didn't have any serious injuries although Lyndsay did mange to bash her thumb rather badly causing alot of swelling and alot of pain!
Our four legged friend
I think Annmarie much prefered dog handling to swordfighting!
Whilst I enjoyed working with all the animal I really took to this little guy! I wanted to bring him home with me!
We had several animals on set including: three baby lambs, my dog Bonnie (xbreed labrador) who is in a big scene with Morgan la Faye (pic above with Annmarie if you can spot her she blends so well into the background) and William Kath's rather crazy dalmation! Plus there are afew other animal camio appearences too!!!
Aint he cute!
Bonnie and William
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