Something to Think On

He restores my soul.

He gives rain to the parched land and the land brings forth its fruit.  He sends the dew in the morning to blanket the earth and the earth is soothed.  He gives the sun to wake me, its rays to warm me, its light to guide me.

He restores my soul.

He holds all things together by the power of His word.  He orders the universe and casts the stars from the heavens.  He thunders in His fury and moves mountains with a word.  In due season he both sows and reaps.

He restores my soul.

He is a father to the fatherless and a husband to the widowed and divorced.  He is the Great Physician and more loyal than a mother to her own child.  He cares for me with an intimate concern, delivers me from the evil one, and yes, He restores my soul.

I love Him more than anything.  He is my Hope, my Rock, and my Salvation.  He is my strength and my refuge.  A stronghold in times of trouble.  He is the Lover of my soul, and the most precious thing to my heart. What does he mean to you?

Scriptures used in this
Something to Think On taken from Psalms

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