Missouri Historic Sites

In Missouri there are several historic sites that are rumored to be haunted.  From Civil War battle sites, civil war graveyards.  Such as the
Lexington Battlefield.
On Tuesday, January 2, 2007 the group traveled 1 hour to Lexington, MO to the Lexingtong Battlefield.  It rumored that people have seen aparitions of soldiers on the battlefield, heard gunshots, and voices of the soldiers.  On our visit to the battle field it was a very quiet night.  We took with us 8 people, three cameras, an EMF Meter, and a voice recorder.  We took pictures of the five unknown soldiers graves.  Right by the graves there is this tree that people have said you can hear men talking under.  We could not hear anything but did decide to take a picture of the tree. This is where we got a pic of our first orb.
   We did not hear any voices under the tree or near the five unknown soldiers.  We walked over to the battle field and set our voice recorder down to see if we could pick up any sonds and we continued to walk through the battlefield.  In the trenches that are still visible on the field we got small spikes on our EMF Meter.  Toward the back of the field all of a sudden Shurisha's lips started tasting salty.  Along the tree line you could hear what appeared to be people talking and we also got a few spikes on our EMF meter.  Over toward the tree line that was used to keep prisonors of war we started to smell gunpowder and sulfer and everyone's lips and mouth tasted salty.  After this we decided to leave.  Upon reviewing the tape we did not catch much.  We heard what sounded like someone walking through leaves and a few faint gun shots.  All together an interesting visit to the battlefield.  Not as productive as we would have hoped for.  But on a hunt you never know what you are going to get.
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