Welcome to The Phoenix Realms Guestbook! These are all the great people who have visited The Phoenix Realm and have left a message.

jerseywrestler - 05/24/00 19:58:50
My Email:[email protected]
How you would rate the page:: a++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++k
Things you would like to see added:: more pictures to the wrestling site
What was your favorite section:: wrestling
What was your least favorite:: n/a

good job and how are you i like fudge alot fudgefudgefudgefudgefudfudgegfudgefudgefudgefudge

Michael Lunt - 05/22/00 21:36:19
My Email:[email protected]
How you would rate the page:: A+
Things you would like to see added:: Anything you can
What was your favorite section:: Wrestling
What was your least favorite:: Anime

Good Job Garret. And I am looking forward to putting a Nintendo & Game Consul section in your page.

Rezo - 05/05/00 01:07:43
My Email:[email protected]
How you would rate the page:: SUUUUUUUUUUUUUUPER CRAZY
Things you would like to see added:: NOThing
What was your favorite section:: wreaslting
What was your least favorite:: nothing


Citan - 05/05/00 01:07:32
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/lastb212
My Email:[email protected]
How you would rate the page:: N/A
Things you would like to see added:: N/A
What was your favorite section:: N/A
What was your least favorite:: N/A

This is just a test of the guestbook.

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